Category: Blog

“Standing on the shoulders of giants” is a well-known aphorism that describes how we discover truth by building on the previous discoveries of those who came before us. This is also an apt description of the process whereby we learn to experience the truth of our own Buddha natures by building on the experience and… Read more »

A lot of work has been going on at Siskiyou, showing dramatic results for all of the many generous donations from sangha members. Dharma Rain’s new construction trailer, a large double-wide, was delivered and put together this week. Wednesday evening sitting and classes, as well as other meetings and events, will soon have ample space.… Read more »

This is a summary describing the month’s work of the temple’s three major decision-making bodies. A governance notebook with approved minutes is filed in the temple office. A list of current Council members and areas of concern, individual charges to leadership and temple job positions are listed on the temple website. Previous summaries are listed… Read more »

Last Sunday we celebrated our annual Nehan Festival, and Gyokuko gave the Dharma Talk. This week Kakumyo picks up two themes that Gyokuko talked about, and explores them further. This talk was given Sunday, February 15.

The north side of the roof is almost finished, except for the skylights. Siding is also going up on the exterior, over a moisture barrier that will be painted. The photo at left is of the front door of the Sodo. The photo at right was taken from Siskiyou St looking north to the front… Read more »

Our annual Nehan Festival commemorates the parinirvana of the Buddha and his final teaching. This involves a special service in place of Full Morning Service. This year, Gyokuko gave the Dharma Talk associated with Nehan on February 8.

The south side of the roof is done, and looking mighty handsome. The north side is about half done as of Friday morning. Wednesday’s work party went to Tillstrom Tree Farm to dig up trees to bring back to the property. It is exciting to now have recognizable evergreen trees, bigger than the small bare… Read more »

This is a summary describing work of the temple’s major decision-making bodies during December 2014. A governance notebook with approved minutes is filed in the temple’s transition office. A list of current Council members and areas of concern, individual charges to leadership and temple job positions are listed on the website. Board of Directors The… Read more »

What does it mean to “function secretly, like a fool”? The final lines of one of our daily scriptures is packed with important teaching, in the simplest of language. The Zen fool is different from the conventional meaning of this world. So is a secret – and so is the host. We will look at… Read more »

On Wednesday, January 28, sangha members gathered for a dedication ceremony for the Sodo, which then included painting various things on the subfloor. At each of the cardinal directions, Gyokuko painted circles of the prescribed color for each direction to mark the Four Kings or protectors. They were covered with Japanese calligraphy signifying each of… Read more »

On Sunday, January 25, 2015, Jyoshin Clay presented a verse and took questions in the Shuso Hossen ceremony. Gyokuko sat in for Kyogen, Jyoshin’s teacher, carrying Kyogen’s hossu for the ceremony. The verse Jyoshin presented was: Remain solitary without dependency and drop off all of reality. Mixed together within the ten thousand forms, be clear… Read more »

This Sunday the current shuso, Jyoshin Catherine Clay, will take her “final exam,” presenting a verse and answering questions from teachers and sangha members. This is the culmination of a year of intensive practice and service to the Sangha. Come help “prod the loaf” to see whether she’s done. Join us this Sunday, January 25,… Read more »

As you can see above, the roof is going up on the Sodo. Roofers are working on the tricky angled bits first, and then will finish with the larger more straight-forward areas soon. Big machines are once again on the land, and moving surcharges from one area to another for HHR buildings. We had a… Read more »

We sometimes use the phrase “the edge of my practice.” What does this mean? What kinds of edges do we face? And what about plateaus, ledges, mountains, and other geographical features of our practice? Genko will trek through some of these in this Sunday’s talk. This talk was given Sunday, January 18.

On Saturday, January 10, we held our annual Kanzeon Festival in the Sodo, which was wonderful. We even had heat, which is not something we should get used to, but was nice for that day. (They were heating the building as a way of drying it out before putting on the roof.) The couple of… Read more »

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