Dharma Rain Zen Center is located on 14-acres of a transformed former landfill, much of which has now been restored to native habitat. This site is a key component of a continuous east-west urban greenway for wildlife that connects Roseway Golf Course, Madison High School, and Glenhaven Park to the west, with Rocky Butte, Gateway Green, and the Grotto gardens to the east and north. Integrated into the site is a 2,500-foot long path and trail that is open to the public. See Visiting Dharma Rain …
Dharma Rain Zen Center Site Plan
The Dharma Rain site is roughly L-shaped with an entrance on the north side. As you enter the site from NE Siskiyou, the “oak savanah” is on your right with an adjacent path leading to NE 82nd Avenue to the west.
You will continue past Uji, a double-wide modular building that houses the office and library. Across the open courtyard, you will see the children’s playground, the dormitories and then, ahead of you, the Sodo, the building that contains our meditation hall.
The road ends at a storage building referred to as “the barn.” A path continues through the orchard around the back of the Sodo and descends into the ravine along the east side of the site. A branch of the path connects to the southeast corner of the site, while the main path continues through the ravine back to NE Siskiyou at the northeast corner of the site.