Category: Blog

by Polly Gemmon Lauser We asked people to share their memories of the places where we practiced for a quaarter-century in southeast Portland. You can find these posts using the “MemoryBook” tag. Chan Radiators in the Zendo Just back from the China Pilgrimage. Fresh in my mind: images of ancient Chan monasteries with shrines containing… Read more »

by Ulises Quiñónez We asked people to share their memories of the places where we practiced for a quaarter-century in southeast Portland. You can find these posts using the “MemoryBook” tag. Around five years ago, after a couple of years of many changes in my life and living in a rather messy way, I reached… Read more »

We had our first Sunday morning service at Jason Lee Elementary School on June 15. This week marked the first Sunday completely moved out of where we have been practicing for decades. We are in temporary spaces waiting construction of our new home, which is well on its way. The sometimes-chaotic process of moving out… Read more »

The final move-out days for the Zendo was on Sunday, June 8,  and the Dharma House was vacated on Thursday, June 12. Both events involved a lot of people working very hard. There is sadness in looking back fondly on all the rich practice that has happened in both of those locations, and right along with… Read more »

Dharma Rain and Portland Friends of the Dhamma (PFoD) folks gather together for our mutual Move Out – Move In Day. Though moving of House and Zendo has been going on for quite some time now, this Sunday, June 8, is the final move-out from the Zendo. We will all work together to get everything… Read more »

We have been awarded two metro grants through the Nature in Neighborhood program – Capital Grants program. These are helping to fund the pathway through the site, in cooperation with Portland Parks and Recreation and the Bureau of Environmental Services. Also the Conservation Education program is funding our partnership with PCC, PSU, Madison High School… Read more »

Twenty Volunteers For Village Building Convergence The weather has been changeable, but quite nice this week as volunteers converged on the Siskiyou property to help with raised beds for the garden space. Work on the path to Rocky Butte has been put on hold while city attorneys work out some technical details. Everyone is still… Read more »

Work Day, May 17, 2014 We spent Friday and Saturday setting up our temporary Office next to Mekong Bistro at 8200 NE Siskiyou St, Suite 111. Saturday DRZC members and volunteers from the Siskiyou neighborhood worked to mulch the many trees and shrubs planted in the ravine on the new property. The parking area where… Read more »

Where can we find a place to rest in an ever-changing world? Uncertainty, loss, expectation, desire; the perils of an isolated, abiding self are legion but the answer can be found within the question. Join us this Sunday, May 18, for zazen, service and Teijin’s Dharma Talk. Sanzen will be offered during zazen. 8:30am Zazen… Read more »

A Talk by Kyogen Carlson on Koun Ejo and the Denkoroku Note: Dharma Talks during the Denkoe Sesshin are usually reserved for those attending the retreat. This year the Wednesday talk was open to anyone who wished to attend, and Kyogen included information on Keizan and the context for the creation of the Denkoroku. On… Read more »

For many of us, Dharma Rain’s upcoming move to a new home has stirred up memories associated with our soon-to-be former location. The lovely Zendo, the Dharma House, and the Sangha House(s) have been our place of practice for decades – a lot has happened here! Do you have any memories, anecdotes, or stories associated… Read more »

There is an unofficial work party (bring your own lunch) this Saturday, May 3, 10-4 doing a variety of tasks out on the land. We are still jumping through the remaining hoops before we can pick up our building permit. All the design questions are approved; now it is just a matter of getting all… Read more »

The Daoren Circle is open to new members. Daoren means “person of the Way.” In our Soto practice, “the Way” is always right before you. The Daoren Circle seek to practice the Way wholeheartedly within our everyday lives through a commitment to the Mahayana practice of vow. Daoren commit to vows and practice principles in… Read more »

Wesak Festival is a colorful and light-hearted festival celebrating the birth of Shakyamuni Buddha. The Dharma School children lead this ceremony, which begins at 10:15am in the Zendo. Join the children’s sangha for a special celebration. Join us this Sunday, May 4, for zazen, service and the Wesak Ceremony. Sanzen will be offered during zazen.… Read more »

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