Planting Zen in Siskiyou Square

Gemmon has put many hours and much creativity into the gradual emergence of our Japanese-style garden area.

Front row, left to right: Ko’in, shuso; Ikuo, jisha; David Percy; Kymberly Rose Kline; Kakumyo Lowe-Charde, Preceptor; Kristin Williamson; Susana Raine; Fujaku, jikko.
Back row, left to right: Brenden Lukudu LuwOrO, John Baumann, Jean Johnson, Pamela Leitch, Laura Recker, Tim Larson, Dawn Dzubay, Alejandra Nava-Replogle, Nancy Gonzales.
On the same Sunday that the adults were celebrating Jukai Ceremony, the Dharma Garden program held its annual egg hunt.
In addition to regular Wednesday work parties (~9:30am-4pm), we can use help from all volunteers anytime that we’re on schedule and not on retreat (i.e., not this week, as we are on retreat). We have several greatly appreciated volunteers who come regularly on Wednesdays and other times. Just let Ikuo [ikuohull at] know beforehand so we can count you in for lunch. Zazen is in the Sodo from 11:30am to 12:25pm, with lunch served at the Sodo at 12:30.