Category: Blog

We continue to work hard on the duplexes. Kakumyo looks for a tool for Sherman, one of the many volunteers who came out on a beautiful sunny Wednesday to work on the buildings. Once again we’ve put out the sock bucket to collect warm dry socks for people in need in Portland. Sponsored by the… Read more »

As part of our diversity, equity, and inclusion process, all members are being asked to complete a survey about our experiences and perceptions regarding these topics at Dharma Rain. If you are a member and haven’t yet done so, please take 10 minutes to complete this survey, including the demographic questions about yourself. Knowing who… Read more »

Bukkai plans to take another look at a poem by Dainin Katagiri that she first presented a long time ago and is still considering. The last section reads: If I were not to agree with your teaching, Believe it or not, My life would be drifting in space, Like an astronaut separate from her ship… Read more »

We continue with getting ready for bathrooms and showers in the duplexes. There’s a lovely claw-foot tub (it’s in a living room now, but eventually …) The showers will have pocket doors, which are now framed in. We are hoping to have these ready by Rohatsu. Wednesday Work Parties We have regular Wednesday and Thursday… Read more »

The Buddha, in the first sermon following his enlightenment, instructed us to practice Right Speech as part of the Eightfold Path. One version of the criteria he used for determining if speech is right is: Is is factual? is it true? Is it helpful? Is it endearing? Is it timely? Right Speech can be a… Read more »

With the exterior mostly done, we turn our efforts to interior work on the duplexes – preparation and support for utilities, patching and walls. Also spreading dirt in the back in order to seed grass to create a bit of lawn back there. Some of the interior work is to frame in where the extra… Read more »

Gratitude for the past. Generosity to the future. After the all-night vigil beginning Saturday evening, November 4, at 7pm, Gyokuko puts this celebration into context. This talk was given Sunday, November 5.

The roofs are about 3/4 painted – all of the north duplex and the back half of the south one, next to the Sodo. The color of the houses now blends with the Sodo. The painters were halted by the rain, and hope to get it finished in a break in the weather next week.… Read more »

On September 5, 2017, three new lay disciples were ordained. Jiko took Renso as a disciple, and Genko took her first two disciples, Kakuon and Ko’e. From left, Jyoshin (jisha), Jean Renso Bond, Jiko, J Kakuon Christian, Genko, Ruben Ko’e Rivera, and Gemmon (jikko).

Many Zen sanghas in the West, including Dharma Rain, have grappled with issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion for decades. At the same time, our country, state, and city have been becoming increasingly diverse and multicultural. Taken together, these trends pose both opportunities and challenges in our effort to ensure that the dharma is available… Read more »

This year’s Founders Vigil begins Saturday, November 4, at 7pm and goes to Sunday morning at 6:45am. This date is close to the anniversaries of the deaths of both of our founders, Keido Chisan Koho Zenji (d. November 1, 1969) and Roshi Jiyu Kennett (d. November 6, 1996). There is no leader for this vigil,… Read more »

Twice a year, the sangha has an opportunity to hear from our governing bodies and to ask questions and give feedback. The fall forum is primarily sponsored by the Board of Directors, giving updates on where we are with the property development, fundraising and finances, board activities, and more. The Dharma Council also gave a… Read more »

On Sunday, October 29, celebrated our annual Segaki Festival. This festival invites the hungry ghosts in and offers them the kindness of food that may appeal to them – sweets, salty snacks, and especially donuts. During the Festival we read a list of names of those who have died in the last year, or those… Read more »

Both painters and roofers showed up Wednesday. The duplexes got painted, and the roofers made a start at repairing the roof. Volunteers also worked to dig French drains to prevent bogs and lakes around the houses during the rainy season. The color of the houses now blends with the Sodo. When the roof repairs are… Read more »

The Four Noble Truths, one of Buddhism’s basic foundational teachings, is all about suffering. This can sound dreary, even grim, not very inviting. It’s important to focus on suffering, but also important not to forget the possibility of joy. What is Nirvana, and how is it possible? This talk was given Sunday, October 15.

Work continues on the duplexes. Featured this week are the doors: putting locks on them and painting them to match the Sodo doors. Eventually, the outside of the duplexes will harmonize with the Sodo. There is also work on soffits and flashing and other details to continue to get them ready for use. Two Dharma… Read more »

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