Tag: Jyoshin

With late summer settling in, the coast beckons. A cool breeze, ocean waters, little purple anemone. Anticipation and delight fill the mind. How do we keep refreshing enjoyment from becoming sticky attachment? What happens when anticipation meets actual experience? This Sunday Jyoshin talks about the dharma teachings of tide pools. 

In the depths of winter it is easy to be deluded that nothing changes and the grey and cold will last forever. In the depths of adult life that delusion can arise as well. Yes, little things change, but nothing fundamental changes, we think. Drifting and dreaming, life passes by. The practice of zen teaches… Read more »

This Sunday, Jyoshin spoke about honoring lineage and tradition and at the same time exploring the tension between valuing and connecting with what we’ve done before while also responding to current conditions. This talk was given Sunday, November 4.

Jyoshin and Shin’yu attended the biannual conference for the Soto Zen Buddhist Association (SZBA) at Zen Mountain Monastery September 19-23 in New York. The theme of the conference was Interconnecting: One Soto Zen, Many Expressions. Both Jyoshin and Shin’yu found the conference very inspiring, as it moves the SZBA forward in the areas of diversity,… Read more »

While we do not engage in formal koan study at Dharma Rain, many koans are held in our collective mind as valuable teaching stories. Jyoshin explores Dongshan’s “Cold and Heat”, a particularly apt study for our current summer weather patterns. This talk was given on Sunday, July 22.

Happy Mother’s Day! For some, Mother’s Day can bring up memories of crayon drawings on refrigerators, sharing space with brightly colored magnetic letters of the alphabet. This is part of how small children investigate their environment and learn about themselves and the world around them. Mothers (and those who take on the role of mother)… Read more »

Stepping up wholeheartedly. Jumping in with both feet. Being ordained into your life. We have many ways to talk about authenticity, transparency, and integrity in practice. This Sunday, Jyoshin will talk about putting our whole lives on the altar and practicing under the Buddha’s gaze. This talk was given on Sunday, March 4. Unfortunately, the… Read more »

On Sunday, February 4, we celebrated our annual Nehan ceremony, commemorating the Buddha’s passing into parinirvana. Jyoshin’s talk reflected on the teachings of the death of the Buddha and explored its significance for those of us practicing the Buddha’s path 2600 years later. How do we relate to these teachings? What is applicable for modern… Read more »

As we prepare to begin Rohatsu sesshin, Jyoshin examines what we are celebrating this week and why we do what we do. Join us this Sunday, December 3, for zazen, sanzen, service, and Jyoshin’s Dharma Talk. Jyoshin and Fumyo offer sanzen. 8:30am Zazen (with optional sanzen) 9:00 Kinhin (walking meditation) 9:40 Full Morning Service 10:10… Read more »

by Jyoshin Clay Editor’s Note: This talk was given August 20, 2017. The recording failed for it, so Jyoshin graciously shared her notes. “Hide and Reveal,” by Ken Arnold What you cannot see, What sunlight hides in the artful Tangle of spring, Draws you in. Notice how the moss on this stone Layers down its… Read more »

We habitually locate ourselves, or rather our sense of self, at the center of our own story, our own narrative, the center of our drama. Often when people come to practice, there is a sense that giving up our story is part of the task of the practitioner and fear of losing ourselves arises. However,… Read more »

On June 14, 2017, Wy’East Zen Center celebrated the lay disciple ordination of Kimberly Choan Wood-Saldana (in grey robe above), taking Jyoshin as her teacher. She is flanked by Shintai (blue rakusu) and Jyoshin (gold rakusu), who are Dharma Rain teachers serving the group. Next to Jyoshin are Gyokuko Carlson, abbot of Dharma Rain, and… Read more »

While many sangha members headed out to the Pride Parade, Jyoshin presented a talk on manifesting fearlessness in life and in practice. In Buddhism, the gift of fearlessness is one of the highest gifts. She unpacks this idea to see where it shows up in our lives and in the lives of those around us.… Read more »

There is strength in knowledge and strength in numbers! Join with others from around the state in “Raising Diverse Voices of Faith to Strengthen Oregon Communities.” We meet Tuesday, February 7, at St. Mark Lutheran Church in Salem for: keynote speech by Attorney General Ellen F. Rosenblum briefings on housing, hunger, health care, gun safety,… Read more »

Science can explain how a flower opens, but watching a flower open is an entirely different experience. Jyoshin looks at aspects of Buddhism that came from Asia to the western world, and how the western mind works with these. One example is invocations to deities. What is the usefulness of considering such invocations as a… Read more »

On Sunday, January 25, 2015, Jyoshin Clay presented a verse and took questions in the Shuso Hossen ceremony. Gyokuko sat in for Kyogen, Jyoshin’s teacher, carrying Kyogen’s hossu for the ceremony. The verse Jyoshin presented was: Remain solitary without dependency and drop off all of reality. Mixed together within the ten thousand forms, be clear… Read more »