Siskiyou Updates
We have been awarded two metro grants through the Nature in Neighborhood program – Capital Grants program. These are helping to fund the pathway through the site, in cooperation with Portland Parks and Recreation and the Bureau of Environmental Services. Also the Conservation Education program is funding our partnership with PCC, PSU, Madison High School and Jason Lee Elementary.
This week contractors are putting down the geomat, a base for the foundation for the Sodo. The geomat consists of 4 layers of a grid, 1 foot thick layer of gravel, another grid, another layer of gravel, etc. The foundation will be poured on top of this. The amount of gravel going into the property in many truck loads is phenomenal, and exciting.
The Rebuilding Center has donated about 3000 board feet of very heavy old growth fir flooring. We’ll be pulling lots of nails and then re-milling it into flooring for the Sodo building. We are grateful for such a valuable donation.