Silver Mountain, Iron Wall
Posted on October 7, 2016

Richard Fumyo Mishaga
Perhaps one of the hardest barriers to our Zen practice is the barrier of “self.” Attaching to self as an entity separate from others generates patterns of suffering and confusion. The illusion of self also thwarts our ability to experience our deeper reality and its expression in our daily lives. Our great ancestor, Manzan Dohaku, offers us easily understood advice for passing through this barrier of self and for opening to the compassionate expression of our mutual interconnectedness with all beings. Fumyo will explore Manzan’s message during the Sunday’s Dharma Talk.
Join us this Sunday, October 9, for zazen, sanzen and Fumyo’s Dharma Talk. Fumyo and Gyoshi offer sanzen.
8:30am Zazen (with optional sanzen)
9:00 Kinhin (walking meditation)
9:10 Zazen
9:40 Full Morning Service
10:10 Break/Announcements
10:30 Silver Mountain, Iron Wall
11:45 Informal Community Lunch (vegetarian) – all invited.