Planting Zen in Siskiyou Square
Saturday, April 16, the Friends of Trees and FedEx volunteers worked on various projects on the land. In particular, we had to remove all of the recently-planted trees along Siskiyou Street because they didn’t meet code. We planted most of them elsewhere on the property, and those we couldn’t use Friends of Trees took to plant in other locations. We will replace the street trees in a few weeks with trees of the mandated size.
Ongoing regular projects continue. Steps on the east end of the engawa appear to be mostly finished. Ikuo and Sherman drilled holes in the concrete on the edges of the ramp for handrails to be put there. Fujaku continues to work on trim and many other projects inside the Sodo. Gemmon continues to work on the Japanese-style garden in the front of the Sodo. Inspections are continuing, as we move toward getting a certificate of occupancy soon.
In addition to regular Wednesday work parties (~9:30am-4pm), we can use help from volunteers anytime that we’re on our regular schedule and not on retreat. We have several wonderful volunteers who come regularly on Wednesdays and other times. Just let Ikuo know beforehand so we can count you in for lunch. These work parties will be suspended during the month of May because of the May Sit.