Marking the End of the Dharma School Year
June 1, 2014 – Click any Photo for a Larger View

After the outdoor photo, people gathered in the Zendo

The Dharma School year ended that day, and the students prepared skits

The little ones demonstrated “toe-yoga.”

This one needed a little abbotical assistance

This group showed us their “Cat Buddha” altar

Rowing to the other shore

Audience participation

The Boys Group demonstrated the Four Sights

There’s one!

This skit was a “Mad Libs” version

Between skits

The Girls Group also demonstrates the Four Sights. Nice chariot!

“Buddha’s eyes open wide.”

The “Holy One” prepares

Siddhartha spots the mendicant!

The Middle School Group recites Gathas they composed

The Middle School Group recites Gathas they composed

Two Middle Schoolers prepare to join the High School Group, waiting below

The High School Group plays “The Game of Life.” Contestants are shown here

High School Group “Game of Life” judges

Ice Cream Social afterward, on the Dharma House front lawn

Ice Cream Social afterward, on the Dharma House front lawn

We also had a “Potlatch” in the front room. Here a member snags a pot!

Ice Cream Social afterward, on the Dharma House front lawn

Ice Cream Social afterward, on the Dharma House front lawn, and a visit from an old friend