Dharma Rain News

P2017-0318Event-900A neighborhood coalition studying ways to improve 82nd Avenue and environs rented Dharma Rain’s Sodo for an afternoon last Saturday, March 18. An estimated 50 or so people came to participate, first listening to a presentation and then giving suggestions around tables on maps. James Helms from Madison South said, “Awesome turnout, lots of excitement, ideas, hopes, dreams & energy around this discussion.” Many people who attended had never been here before, and thanked us for hosting, looked at the bulletin board, and just generally enjoyed the space.
Wednesday’s work party this week included raising the Founders Shrine 6 inches off the ground as a way to discourage invasions by local wildlife, especially bugs and worms. Volunteers also sealed a lot of cracks. Today Jyoshin took to the shop vac in an attempt to debug as much as possible. An added step in front assures the building’s continued usefulness for sanzen and other activities.

The gardens are spouting signs of spring, including literal new signs painted and installed Monday to label various of the permaculture beds. This flower bed cheerfully expresses the hope for colorful blooms in the coming months. Residents are also working on their garden beds, even beginning to plant things.
We have work parties most Wednesdays from 9am to 3:30pm, and there is plenty of work for people to do, inside and outside, light and heavy. Come for as much or little of the time as you wish. We have tools and gloves, but if you have your own, feel free to bring them. You are welcome to join us at mid-day meditation in the zendo from 11:30am to 12:25pm. And if you are around at 12:30pm, lunch is provided.

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