Category: Blog

April 2014 This is a summary describing the month’s work of the temple’s three major decision-making bodies. A governance notebook with approved minutes is filed in the temple office. A list of current Council members and areas of concern, individual charges to leadership and temple job positions are listed on the temple website. This past… Read more »

Registration Deadline is Wednesday, May 30th This will be our last Denkoe Sesshin on the Madison Street property, it is a smaller, more intimate retreat, and this year we will hold most of it at the Dharma House. The chapter for this year will be the last case of the Denkoroku, on Koun Ejo, disciple of… Read more »

Shakyamuni encouraged all of us to be a lamp unto ourselves; to steadily notice what is wholesome, and how we are affected, as we try to walk this spiritual path. How does this advice intertwine with Buddhism’s reliance on those who have gone before to point the way? We’re confronted with the choice to engage… Read more »

We are now officially renters! Both the Dharma House and the Zendo sales have closed, and we have received payments for both. This money paves the way to begin Phase I, and propels us ever faster into moving out of our current buildings. Upcoming work parties include moving days Thursdays (April 24, May 1, 15,… Read more »

We are seeing the first signs of the savanna planting sprouting. During the coming week we will be digging more drainage trenches – getting the site ready so that we can start moving dirt around as soon as there’s a stretch of dry weather.

Sunday, April 20, the Dharma Council and Board of Directors presented reports about what is happening and the latest plans for this year with the transition to the new property. Listen to the forum. Dharma Council Programming Handouts. Board Handout. Photos Jason Lee front. Jason Lee front door. Entry. One view of cafeteria. Another view of… Read more »

Sallie Jiko Tisdale – from April 1997 Keep your eye on the fierce lion up on the altar. Today I’m going to talk about what it means to study the self. I’ll begin with two quotes to bear in mind. The first is from William Wordsworth in 1807, a poem: “The world is too much… Read more »

On April 6, 2014, Gyokuko spoke about prayer and devotion in Zen Buddhism. On April 13, Kyogen continued that theme with more on prayer, and also on faith, trust, belief, and other elements of spiritual life. He drew on his conversation with Evangelicals and other Christians about what non-theistic religion can look like. Listen to… Read more »

March 2014   This summary describing the work of the temple’s three major decision-making bodies is published regularly. Each of the three major bodies of the temple mandala – the Board of Directors, the Dharma Council and the Mandala Council – meets monthly and provides notes to be consolidated for a report to the sangha.… Read more »

Linda Hoka Bebernes, Still Point, 2012 What do we each bring to expressing the Dharma? This was the theme for the 2012 spring term student program. Through exploring this question, I came to a clearer understanding of how I uniquely express the Dharma, while learning how essential it is to exclude nothing from my practice.… Read more »

On April 6, 2014, co-abbot Gyokuko Carlson took a Dharmic look at the subject of prayer and how Zen Buddhists work with it. Listen to this talk.

Saturday’s work party will feature a variety of tasks. Mulching looms large so that we can take good care of all the plants that are now in the ground, and ensure that they don’t dry out over the summer. Come see the new leaves and buds on everything that has been planted. Recent work has… Read more »

Many of us carry burdens of regret, guilt or shame about past events. When we recite the confession verse, what does it mean to acknowledge “All my past and harmful karma”? How can we take responsibility for all of it? What is mine? This talk explored the different ways we experience repentance and atonement in… Read more »

Nine New Buddhist Take the Precepts at Jukai After six weeks of classes and special practices, and one week of sesshin (intensive retreat), the sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts were given to nine new Buddhists on Sunday March 23rd in the ceremony of Jukai. Friends, family, and sangha members attended, with a buffet lunch and special “Jukai… Read more »

by Annen Moyer Every year for the past several years, Dharma Rain has had a spring fundraiser to raise money for our operating costs. While we are largely supported by member donations, the annual event has been a big help in meeting the costs of utilities, insurance, food, and many other expenses that are part… Read more »

As we headed into our week-long retreat, DaiJukai, or “Great Jukai” (Giving and Receiving of the Buddhist Precepts), Seido talked about how we understand the study and practice of ethical action in Zen. She particularly focused on one of the ten grave precepts – Do Not Speak Dishonestly – Communicate Truthfully – and its commentary:… Read more »

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