Category: Blog

There are many ways to approach the precepts. In this talk we’ll explore how precept practice as a path of heart works. We’ll also take a deeper look at our unique statement of the 6th precept, “Do not dwell on past mistakes.” This sounds very different from how most others state the 6th precept –… Read more »

Wednesday’s (June 10, 2015) celebration of the $200,000 grant from the EPA for brownfield cleanup and mitigation included speakers saying wonderful things about the project at Siskiyou Square. Speakers included Kakumyo Lowe-Charde; Representatives from EPA Brownfields Program, DEQ Brownfields Program, City of Portland, Senator Ron Wyden’s office, Congressman Earl Blumenauer’s office, Business Oregon, and Metro.… Read more »

When we’ve tasted the benefits of something that we care about, it’s normal to want to get more of it or make it work better. In the practice sphere, this impulse can show up as trying to figure out the right way to practice: What are the key ingredients to produce compassion, wisdom, equanimity? (And… Read more »

Last Sunday the Columbia Land Trust sent a bunch of their Young Ambassadors to work in the ravine pulling weeds and planting mushrooms. Some of our younger members joined them for the first Zen Adventure Club outing. During the afternoon, someone discovered a nest with baby birds in the ravine. Good times! We have work… Read more »

Here are some photos from Sunday, May 31. Sunday we watched the traditional year-end Dharma School skits, where the children share something of what they have learned in the past year. This takes the place of the Dharma Talk, and is always a lot of fun. Here are Manjushri riding the lion, the “beast of… Read more »

While Lotus Blooming – our fundraising campaign to Plant Zen in Siskiyou Square – is about money, our vision and aspiration for Siskiyou Square is about the Dharma. So, why does Lotus Blooming matter? “We consider ourselves profoundly blessed to be a part of contributing to strengthening the foundation for living a life of mindfulness… Read more »

Here’s a photo of the path, much of the work accomplished last week. A great advancement over what was there before – see the May 1 photo. This week the canopy got put back up. Last year it was torn down by ferocious wind storms, and required repair and patching to put back up for… Read more »

A few years ago Kyogen and Getsushin led a conversation about our prison program as a Dharma Talk. It’s time for an update, as the program has been growing through significant changes since then. It is a program that operates largely unseen by most of the sangha other than those volunteers directly involved with it.… Read more »

On May 9, 2015, we did our first Lay Disciple Ordination in the new Sodo. Five people took teachers, four with Kakumyo and one with Gyokuko. Above back row are Unju Ansui Kevin Geoffroy, Unju Ikuo Doug Hull, Unju Rinsho Sonja Aikens, and Unju Hakugyu Robert Reinhart, all Kakumyo’s students. In the front row are… Read more »

There are many beings in our lives who remain invisible. This past week, we have been sitting sesshin in honor of our ancestral lineage – invisible beings whose importance to us is sometimes difficult to understand. How do we explain and explore – and pay homage to – the unseen forces around us? This talk… Read more »

Daoren means “person of the Way.” In our Soto practice, “the Way” is always right before you. The Daoren Circle seek to practice the Way wholeheartedly within our everyday lives through a commitment to the Mahayana practice of vow. Daoren commit to vows and practice principles in common as well as individual vows. Full members… Read more »

This week we are on Sesshin, silent retreat. While some work practice happens every day, what we are planting primarily is bodies on cushions, benches and chairs. We allow our Zen practice to infuse the land, while at the same time we allow the land’s energy to infuse us – changeable light during the long… Read more »

Gyokuko talked about the booklet, “Zen Training in Community.” How do we live in sangha together? What is my responsibility to seniors and/or juniors? What happens if I think someone is out of line? This talk was given Sunday, May 10.

This is a summary describing the month’s work of the temple’s three major decision-making bodies. A governance notebook with approved minutes is filed in the temple office. A list of current Council members and areas of concern, individual charges to leadership and temple job positions are listed on the temple website. Previous summaries are listed… Read more »

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