Category: Blog

The weeks around summer solstice are the only time of the year when you see sunlight on the north side of the Sodo. Also the only time of year when sunlight comes through the north windows to illuminate the altar and cast these interesting shadows. The people participating in Genzo-e Sesshin have been privileged to… Read more »

This Sunday, the current shuso, Annen Moyer, will take her “final exam,” presenting a verse and answering questions from teachers and sangha members. Come help “prod the loaf” to see whether she’s done. This will take the place of the usual Dharma Talk. Join us this Sunday, June 24, for zazen, sanzen, service, and Shuso… Read more »

Jiko gladly announces that she transmitted teaching authority to her senior student Kyri Kengan Treiman on the night of June 6. She brings the number of transmitted teachers connected with Dharma Rain Zen Center to 12, and is the Carlsons’ first Dharma “Grandchild.”

Today, Frog Song families helped to raise the last beam on the shelter structure being built in the playground. This will replace the canopy that has been there for the last couple of years. The families became close during this school year, and on this, the last class of the year, the children were excitedly… Read more »

We are entering into Portland Pride season. “Pride” turns up on both Christian and Buddhist lists as one of the seven deadly sins or one of the five poisons, respectively. In what ways is it negative? How can it be seen as positive? How does it relate to Shame (which is generally listed as a… Read more »

Last Sunday (June 3), the end of the Dharma School year, students presented skits to share some of what they learned this last year. The theme for the year was the Six Realms. A crowd gathered in the zendo, and included the adults and the children’s mingling together for lots of fun. Several of us… Read more »

This coming Sunday we will watch the traditional year-end Dharma School skits, where the children share something of what they have learned in the past year. This takes the place of the Dharma Talk, and is always a lot of fun. After that, we will have an ice cream social. All are invited. Join us… Read more »

A couple of years ago, Fujaku planted a lot of strawberry plants. This week, we are reaping the fruit of that planting, while Fu swelters in a monastery in Japan. Nothing like sweet fresh-picked organic strawberries for breakfast and in desserts! In other news, plumbing and electrical is moving forward on the duplexes, and volunteers… Read more »

This Sunday we’ll explore qualities like concentration, focus and receptivity with a Buddhist lens. How do these qualities affect our life, and what contributes to reliably accessing them, both within and beyond formal meditation. This talk was given Sunday, May 27.

Planting continues in the garden. We are harvesting several things that overwintered, like kale and beets; and some that have been growing for some years, like asparagus and artichokes. Strawberries are getting ripe, along with plums. We had freshly-picked strawberries for dessert last night and with breakfast this morning. The tractor bit the dust and… Read more »

Dharma Rain’s diversity, equity and inclusion assessment and planning process continues. We are now researching what other Zen Buddhist groups across the country are doing to diversify their membership, and make their organizations more equitable and inclusive. So far, 105 teachers or sanghas have responded to our survey, which was sent to members of the… Read more »

The story of the historical Buddha is often used as a lens to examine our own practice and path. This talk touches on the point where he escapes the confines of his privileged life and affluent shelter and begins to examine the suffering outside. A key figure is his father the king, who tried to… Read more »

The shuso reminds us that now that we are in warmer summer weather, we ask that people not wear shorts and tank tops in the zendo. In general, we try to wear modest, non-distracting, and respectful clothing. There are loaner robes available if needed. Planting is underway in the garden. As we look at tomato… Read more »

Happy Mother’s Day! For some, Mother’s Day can bring up memories of crayon drawings on refrigerators, sharing space with brightly colored magnetic letters of the alphabet. This is part of how small children investigate their environment and learn about themselves and the world around them. Mothers (and those who take on the role of mother)… Read more »

On Sunday, May 6, we had another successful celebration of the Buddha’s Birthday. The day dawned with a spectacular display of clouds over Rocky Butte to the east. We put out the flag announcing a public ceremony. After the ceremony, adults gathered on the engawa and elsewhere to watch the kids knock down the traditional… Read more »

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