Being Flexible, Keeping Commitments
Join us this Sunday, September 11, for zazen, sanzen and Gyokuko’s Dharma Talk. Gyokuko and Genko offer sanzen.
8:30am Zazen (with optional sanzen)
9:00 Kinhin (walking meditation)
9:10 Zazen
9:40 Full Morning Service
10:10 Break/Announcements
10:30 Being Flexible, Keeping Commitments
Sunday Barbecues – Transition to Lunch
As the weather turns cooler, we find that we have so enjoyed that lovely barbecue social time after morning services that we will continue to offer Sunday lunch to all. Feel free to hang around after the Sunday Dharma Talk for lunch at about 11:45am (yes! no waiting for grilling). You are welcome to bring something vegetarian, a side dish, snack or drink, or just yourself.
Enjoy the company of sangha and the natural beauty of this property in a relaxed, informal setting.