Council Summary April 2015

This is a summary describing the month’s work of the temple’s three major decision-making bodies. A governance notebook with approved minutes is filed in the temple office. A list of current Council members and areas of concern, individual charges to leadership and temple job positions are listed on the temple website. Previous summaries are listed on the blog.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors met with a quorum present on April 2, 2015.

Committee Reports

Frog Song Preschool. The website is up, and marketing has begun to the Sangha and the broader community. Watch for events. A model classroom is set up in Uji.

Property Report. Raising money is crucial to moving forward on the Sodo. After City approval, the LLC will pay for the work on Siskiyou St improvements, which is expected to begin sometime in May. The permits must be pulled and discussion continues on how this will be managed. Lotus Blooming has raised $600,000, and various appeals are out for the capital still needed. After discussion, it was decided that overnights on the property are not available as yet. Informational Milestones updates will be made available digitally on the website and on bulletin boards in the Sodo and Uji.

Financial. We have limited funds, and the Board agreed that fee generating programs are important to the schedule as space, time and staffing permit. The group voted to open a brokerage account to receive stock donations and move banking activities to Albina Community Bank.

Annual Fundraiser. Will be held in early August. Suggestions for tents, tables, chairs and catering resources are noted. We will have live music, food and games with a family garden party tone.

Conduct/Ethics Committee. The Board approved changes to “Zen Practice in Community,” the Green Book, as well as an expanded Ethics Council mandate.

Emergency Preparedness Team. Preschool and temple staff have been trained and the team is asked to verify that enough Dharma School teachers are trained.

Confidentiality Statement. A new introduction may be written giving more context. The Safe Environment Committee has jurisdiction over protection and confidentiality regarding vulnerable populations and individuals.

Dharma Council

The Dharma Council met on April 9, 2015, with representation from the DharmaGarden Steering Committee, and considered the question of oversight and member concerns and the possibility of forming an independent Council in the White Family. The Council endorsed the proposal that DharmaGarden create a mandate to include Council status, oversight (Dharma Council and Board) and escalation of concerns within the temple administration. The DC suggests this draft document be available to InterCouncil by June.

Member Concerns. Newer members propose more outreach and a Council discussion included the possibility of taking out advertising when we have building space. Also discussed our philosophy of not proselytizing. A few members have suggested the rental houses be renamed. No action taken.

InterCouncil Report. Discussion of DharmaGarden place in the Mandala. Clarify definitions of Full Member and Active Disciple. No resolution but valuable topic: what does it mean to maintain a master/disciple relationship; what is inactivity?

Leadership Team meets in early June and will report next month.

Business items. Sangha Forum; continuing a conversation on a policy of work in exchange for fees.

General Issues. Approval of fee-based QiGong intensive. Proposal for Lay Teacher-led retreat moving towards scheduling.

Mental Health/First Aid. Mental health presenters are available and interested in speaking at DRZC. Should the temple endorse this? More info is needed.

Future Agenda Items. Leaders for Fall Term Student will be chosen from the transmitted group.

Calendared Items. Reviewed with no changes.

Mandala Council

The Mandala Council met on March 8, 2015. The meeting began with each family representative giving an update of his or her family status.

Changes have been made to the family job lists. These are recorded and available for any sangha member to read.

The Shuso would like flyers be created and hung in nearby coffee shops as introductory workshops have been lightly attended. The DRZC publicity position is not filled and there is no advertising budget at the moment.

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