Shuso Change

Annen Moyer
On January 7, Annen will be installed as our new shuso. The shuso (also known as the Chief Junior) sits near the abbots at the front on the hall, and during her/his term of service is responsible for many of the logistical aspects of meditation periods, retreats, forms, and work practice. S/he also walks kentan at the start of the first zazen period of the day.
In the past, the shuso’s term has been one year. This year we are trying out a six-month term, with an intensified schedule of commitments and responsibilities. Please note that this means that Annen’s Hossen (testing ceremony) will be on Sunday, June 24, at the end of Genzo-e sesshin. The new shuso will then be installed July 1, and serve through the end of Rohatsu Sesshin, December 9.