Room a Zoom Zoom!!!

We are going to Zoom this Sunday’s service, all of it! We are going to open up a laptop in the back of the zendo and just let it run from 8:30am until 11:30am ish. For the sitting the sound might not be the best, but it will allow everyone to join us. For the Dharma Talk we will put in a microphone so the sound will be great.

So just a few notes. The best thing you can do is install Zoom on your laptop before trying to join a meeting, this will make it easier to join. Then just click on the link below after 8:00am Sunday and you will join the meeting. If you get put in a waiting room that means that we are still setting up at the temple. Two thing’s that are helpful when you join a meeting is first to click the Participants icon at the bottom for PC and top for Apple. Clicking this allows you to see who else is in the meeting. Second is to click the chat next button next to Participants. That way during the smoozing time you can chat with everyone!! We are going to see how this works tomorrow and go from there.

Zoom Meeting Link:

If you want to join using a phone please call one of the numbers below. The meeting ID is 668982060

One tap mobile
+13462487799,,668982060# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,668982060# US (San Jose)

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