Recording Category: Dharma Talks
Kyogen used to quote his teacher, Roshi Kennett, as saying “you chase enlightenment until it catches you.” There is both an active, effortful, element to this phrase as well as an its-not-all-up-to-you-entirely element. What happens when, after throwing ourselves wholeheartedly into practice, something remarkable and unexpected occurs?
The shuso role is a visible and important training position at Dharma Rain. Tsuho talks about his experience serving as shuso, how temple roles shape one’s practice, and how our edges find us no matter where we go
Kakumyo talks about the endless work of skillfully shifting perspectives in order to meet the world around us with a curiosity, dignity, and joy.
We emphasize sangha and the benefits of practicing together. Then we engage in a kind of solitary practice in the same room. We will talk about the differences between being together and being alone, and what ‘alone’ means.
How does the vastness of no beginning and no end inspire an intimate heart? Flying Fish gives a talk that explores the relationship between the meaning of these two statements and the implications on our practice and how we meet our daily life.
Soto Zen’s core practice of just sitting is subtle and profound, and it’s also quite mysterious. It’s usually described via negation or in poetry, which is helpful for some, but not for all. This Sunday, Kakumyo will talk about some of the ways we approach shikan taza and what that may mean for our practice.
So much has happened recently. So much tragedy; so much pain. This week Jyoshin brings together threads of Buddhist teachings, practices, and reminders as ways of coping with tragedy and loss.
Genko explores the landscape of practice as it unfolds in sometimes unexpected ways.
Shin’yu explores the implications of Wesak.
Function secretly, like a fool? What kind of advice is that? We talk about fools and secrets, and also about that ever-elusive host within the host.
In this talk we explore together these challenging and powerful vows. We consider the koan nature of these vows and some of the rather different formulations of them. And we’ll look at how these vows might assist you in your practice.
Former abbot Kyogen Carlson explores the essence of Ordination to monastic and lay practitioners.
Many are discovering new levels of mask-light, normal activity than they’ve had access to for two years. This creates some interesting dynamics at the temple. Kakumyo discusses some perspectives of how the sangha has changed over the last several years, how to reintegrate back in, lessons learned, and a renewed practice with form as the need… Read more »