Recording Category: Dharma Talks

Shin’yu explores the implications of Wesak.

Function secretly, like a fool? What kind of advice is that? We talk about fools and secrets, and also about that ever-elusive host within the host.

In this talk we explore together these challenging and powerful vows. We consider the koan nature of these vows and some of the rather different formulations of them. And we’ll look at how these vows might assist you in your practice.  

Former abbot Kyogen Carlson explores the essence of Ordination to monastic and lay practitioners.

Many are discovering new levels of mask-light, normal activity than they’ve had access to for two years. This creates some interesting dynamics at the temple.  Kakumyo discusses some perspectives of how the sangha has changed over the last several years, how to reintegrate back in, lessons learned, and a renewed practice with form as the need… Read more »

In the Universal Gateway scripture, we recite a list of miracles made possible by belief in Kanzeon. What is magic in Buddhism? What is power? We will consider a few puzzling stories and what it is possible to know.

A new year. A fresh slate. However, some things still remain with us like stress, worry, and fear. For some, it’s easy to hang on to those feelings and mind states and project them forward into the future. This Sunday, Jyoshin will be looking at what it is to be in non-opposition to the things… Read more »

This talk is not about the television series “Breaking Bad,” though the title is intriguing, and the show rates some discussion. In Fukanzazengi (“Universally Recommended Instructions for Zazen”), Dogen says “Do not think good or bad, do not judge true or false.” How does this work on a daily basis? Genko takes another look at… Read more »

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