Recording Category: Dharma Talks

Sosetsu gives a student talk on Fudo. Fudo Myo-o is the center object on one of our zendo altars and an icon of importance in our lineage as well as in other sects, particularly Shingon Buddhism. Fudo (or in Sanskrit, Acala) means “immovable” and relates to qualities inherent in us for removing obstacles and finding stillness. 

Spiritual companion. What does that phrase mean to you? Friendship? Listening? Closeness? A group of members of Dharma Rain have recently come together to focus on spiritual companionship and being good friends to others at the end of life. Jyoshin speaks about spiritual companionship within sangha connections as well as what this new program is… Read more »

Each moment is a rare opportunity for us to wake up, to drop our idea of what is happening and to stay present to what is directly under our feet. Standing in the fire of the lotus, we open our life to a vast universe and the lotus blooms. Every moment is like this

One of the three pillars of Zen is Great Doubt, when we come to question everything we have heard. Another pillar is Great Faith. How can faith and doubt work together? What does it mean to question everything? What do we do when the structures we rely on begin to fail?

Sometimes transformation flows and we feel we’re making headway; other times nothing seems to change regardless of all our effort in practice. Kakumyo explores some of the persistent beliefs and patterns that prevent us from making progress along this path.

There’s a line in the Song of the Grass Hut that says, “Turn around the light to shine within, then just return.” Return to what? It could be talking about coming back to here and now, but Genko finds that many aspects of life and practice cycle around and become new again, deepening with each turn of… Read more »

Jyoshin explores the Buddhist teachings on compassion and suffering through the lens of her work as a hospital chaplain. How does her practice sustain her in the work, and what struggles does she face as she cares for the dying and their families, as well as overwhelmed hospital staff, during this ongoing pandemic? Learn how… Read more »

What is the meaning of right effort? Following several days of retreat practice focused on finding the balance between effort and ease, we will talk about being busy, being lazy, and how we know when we’re getting it right.

What is this “self” that seems to move forward through time and how might our Zen practice influence our relationship with it? And why does it carry so much baggage?

Shin’yu just spent a week in the hospital. One of her nurses had a lot of questions about Buddhism. The answers are still unfolding.

Zen is sometimes called a “formal” religion or practice. We do have a lot of forms. But what does that mean? What is a form? How do we practice with it? Why do we have them? Genko explores these questions in this talk.

Rick Hogetsu Mitchell gives his first student talk at Dharma Rain. The talk reflects on the nature of friendships, personal and spiritual, and their role in supporting our practice.

Some of us find that summer changes our routines, and makes the schedule lighter. And yet, the number of hours in the day are the same, and there are still tasks to be done. What does it mean to take care of business in the summer? What is our true business? How do we know?… Read more »

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