Planting Zen in Siskiyou Square
As part of the Jukai sesshin, we have been able to do a lot of work on the property. Some of the work on the Sodo has been to get it ready for Jukai ceremony on Sunday. Painting the subfloor should make it easier to clean so we can spread mats and cushions for zazen. Work continues on the deck from the wheelchair ramp to the front door so that everyone will be able to enter the zendo easily on Sunday.

At long last, the permit for accessory structures and street improvements have be approved. However, we can’t move forward on these projects until we get a large infusion of cash. Still, it’s a relief to have that obstacle removed.
Work parties resume next week every Wednesday on the property from about 9:30am to about 3:30pm. Come in the gate at NE 85th and Siskiyou and look for people out toward the Sodo. We break for mid-day zazen from 11:30am to 12:30pm at the Uji (portable double-wide) building on the property, and lunch at 12:30pm at the 85th house (3155 NE 85th, a block from the main gate).