Planting Zen in Siskiyou Square

P0310Pantry-600Because of your gifts and pledges, we have been able to move the kitchen into the Sodo. It’s not quite complete, but as you can see, the pantry has most of our food, and Tenzo Shin’yu is scrubbing vegetables at one of the working sinks. We are now eating all communal meals in the Sodo, and will use the kitchen and dining room in the Sodo for all meals during Jukai. People from Great Vow Zen Monastery came out Wednesday to help with the kitchen move and also with outdoor projects. Plumbers are working hard today to install the hot water heater, dishwashers, and get all sinks up and running. Fujaku and Ikuo are working hard to coordinate everything and get as much as possible done before the retreat starts Monday evening. All of this hard work should help to make Jukai run smoothly.
One of the outdoor projects on Wednesday was the Japanese Garden, under the able supervision of Polly Gemmon Lauser. The engawa and skirting on the Sodo continues to move forward.
In addition to regular Wednesday work parties, we can use your help anytime that we’re on schedule and not on retreat. THIS NEXT WEEK (March 14-20) we will be on Jukai Sesshin, and work practice will happen within the retreat. The retreat is open, though meals are open only to those already registered. Sitting, services, and work practice, however, are open for drop-in. Please respect the silence of retreat forms.