Kessei Jodo Ceremony
Posted on December 17, 2016

Kakumyo Lowe-Charde
This Sunday marks the end of Kakumyo’s Kessei term, the year of “abbot-with-training-wheels.” As with the shuso term, it ends with a testing ceremony, like Ko’in did last week. He will present several verses, and then those in attendance have an opportunity to ask a question. If Kakumyo passes, he is then qualified to become abbot. Next steps in that process would involve a nomination from Gyokuko, a vote from the board, a ratification vote from the sangha, and an installation ceremony.
Join us this Sunday, December 18, for zazen, sanzen and Kessei Jodo Ceremony. Bukkai and Gyoshi offer sanzen.
8:30am Zazen (with optional sanzen)
9:00 Kinhin (walking meditation)
9:10 Zazen
9:40 Kessei Jodo Ceremony
11:45 Informal Community Lunch (vegetarian) – all invited.