Jukai Ceremony – Lay Ordination
This Sunday culminates several weeks of study and one week of retreat for those taking the Precepts in our annual Jukai Ceremony. The retreat is in full swing, leading up to the ceremony on Sunday, when individuals receive the Bodhisattva Precepts and formally become Buddhists. Please come to witness this important event in the growth of the Sangha.
Join us this Sunday, February 17, for zazen, sanzen, and the Jukai Ceremony. Jiko and Fumyo offer sanzen. Note that the schedule is a little different.
8:30am Zazen (with optional sanzen)
9:00 Kinhin (walking meditation)
9:10 Zazen
9:40 Short Morning Service
10:00 Break / Rehearsal
10:45 Jukai Ceremony – Lay Ordination
12:00 Community Lunch – All Welcome