Form and Practice
As we end Ango and approach the summer, the way we practice changes for many of us. Forms are reduced and relaxed as people go on vacations, spend more time outdoors, and often less time in the zendo. Genko explores some ways that we practice with this change, the value of it, and the vague anxiety and sense of deprivation some people feel as a result of this change in the seasons. Why do we practice? What happens when practice changes?
Join us this Sunday, May 26, for zazen, sanzen and Genko’s Dharma talk. Genko and Jiko offer sanzen.
8:30am Zazen (with optional sanzen)
9:00 Kinhin (walking meditation)
9:10 Zazen
9:40 Full Morning Service
10:10 Break / Announcements
10:40 Form and Practice
11:45 Informal Community Lunch – All invited.