Dharma Rain News
Kakumyo Ratified as Abbot
Voting closed March 22nd in the Abbot ratification process for Kakumyo and here are the results: 154 ballots were sent out to sangha members, and we got 85 responses (a 56% return rate) with 100% yes votes. The Board meets tonight to determine next steps, but barring impediments, his installation as Abbot is scheduled for August 6, at the end of the AZTA Conference.
Duplexes to Arrive Soon
The two duplexes, which will be used for resident housing, Frog Song Preschool, and retreat accommodations, are due to arrive Sunday April 30 and Sunday, May 7. They will be trucked in and raised up over where they will eventually land on the gravel pad subgrade. The foundation gets built underneath them, and then they get lowered and tied to the foundations. In addition to utility hookups, they will also need renovation. The entire process is likely to take a year or more, though it will be done in phases, so we hope to have some functional spaces well before that.
In Other News …
The BARN has passed final inspection, and has had electrical hookups done. Volunteers are continuing to organize and otherwise make the space work for us.
Earth Day Work Party
Saturday, April 22, from 9am – noon, come join friends and neighbors for ecological restoration work at Dharma Rain Zen Center to celebrate Earth Day. On a 14-acre former landfill, a new gathering place is taking root at Dharma Rain – a place where people can walk in tranquil native habitat, work in community gardens, bring their children to school or study, and practice meditation. We’ll be doing trail repair and invasive removal in the ravine. There will be a wide variety of tasks for different levels of skill and fitness, and kids are very welcome. Lunch will be provided after.
Wednesday Work Parties
We have work parties most Wednesdays from 9am to 3:30pm, and there is plenty of work for people to do, inside and outside, light and heavy. Come for as much or little of the time as you wish. We have tools and gloves, but if you have your own, feel free to bring them. You are welcome to join us at mid-day meditation in the zendo from 11:30am to 12:25pm. If you are around at 12:30pm, lunch is provided.