Dharma Rain News
The shuso reminds us that now that we are in warmer summer weather, we ask that people not wear shorts and tank tops in the zendo. In general, we try to wear modest, non-distracting, and respectful clothing. There are loaner robes available if needed.
Planting is underway in the garden. As we look at tomato starts and corn sprouts, we look forward to fresh organic produce in the months ahead. Last year we ate a lot of tomatoes fresh; this year we are planting even more so that we can can and/or dry some of them.
Wednesday Work Parties
We have regular Wednesday work parties from around 9:30am to 3:30pm. There is plenty of work for people to do, inside and outside, light and heavy. Come for as much or little of the time as you wish. We have tools and gloves, but if you have your own, feel free to bring them. We have an open mid-day sitting meditation in the zendo from 11:30am to 12:30pm that all are welcome to join. If you are around at 12:30pm, we feed you lunch.