Dharma Rain News
We continue with getting ready for bathrooms and showers in the duplexes. There’s a lovely claw-foot tub (it’s in a living room now, but eventually …) The showers will have pocket doors, which are now framed in. We are hoping to have these ready by Rohatsu.
Wednesday Work Parties
We have regular Wednesday and Thursday work parties from around 9am to 3:30pm. (Though next week, November 23, is Thanksgiving, and we will be closed.) There is plenty of work for people to do, inside and outside, light and heavy. Come for as much or little of the time as you wish. We have tools and gloves, but if you have your own, feel free to bring them. You are invited to join us in meditation in the Sodo from 11:30am-12:25pm. If you are around at 12:30pm, we feed you lunch.