Dharma Rain News

A new practice this year is having Dharma School children, teachers and parents come into the zendo at the end of Dharma Talk. They practice putting their shoes straight on the engawa before entering, then bow and find a place (quietly!) in the zendo. We all chant the Tisarana (the Three Refuges in Pali) together, then all are invited to stay for lunch. We’ve heard from Dharma School parents that they appreciate being included in the larger Sangha. It feels like a sweet way to end the morning.

A lot has been accomplished with good weather and enthusiastic volunteers (Thank You!). The ground outside in front of the duplexes is being transformed with gravel walkways and compacted soil. There is new black plastic grid down for an extension of the grass pavers we have elsewhere. The photo shows Natalie and Kakumyo raking new gravel to extend the formal garden courtyard. By next week, all units are expected to be lockable, and the outside should be all done, other than the roofs. We are waiting on parts for those, and are hoping to get those finished before the weather turns bad.

Wednesday Work Parties

We have regular Wednesday and Thursday work parties from around 9am to 3:30pm. There is plenty of work for people to do, inside and outside, light and heavy. Come for as much or little of the time as you wish. We have tools and gloves, but if you have your own, feel free to bring them. You are invited to join us in meditation in the Sodo from 11:30am-12:30pm. If you are around at 12:30pm, we feed you lunch.

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