Category: Blog

20 new Buddhists took the Precepts to become Lay Buddhists on March 17 after a week-long sesshin. It was the largest group in several years, and is indicative of a growing sense of vitality and stability in the sangha. Congratulations to all new ordinees.

March 14-24 Dharma Rain will host a residential training for senior practitioners from other sanghas. The 10-day intensive is designed to help newer teachers become more effective at presenting and demonstrating Dharma as well as navigating institutional and social challenges in a practice environment. It will be the first time we’ve offered this event, and… Read more »

by Todd Tsuho Sattersten I prepared this report for a seminary class I took at Dharma Rain Zen Center and found the topic so fascinating I wanted to share it further. In 2015, James Lawrence completed a feat in endurance sports. Lawrence, who is also known as the Iron Cowboy, completed fifty Ironman marathons across… Read more »

This Sunday culminates several weeks of study and one week of retreat for those taking the Precepts in our annual Jukai Ceremony. The retreat is in full swing, leading up to the ceremony on Sunday, when individuals receive the Bodhisattva Precepts and formally become Buddhists. Please come to witness this important event in the growth… Read more »

This Sunday we’re in for a special treat. Kosho Finch, a Shingon priest and the new reverend of the Henjyoji Temple, will do a talk on Fudo-Myoo and Kojin, represented in chants that we do regularly (particularly the Fudo Ceremony). Fudo is the statue to the right of Manjushri in front of the hall (to… Read more »

Several Sangha members are involved in DRZC’s prison program, as volunteers, adults in custody, and prison grads. Many DRZC members don’t have a clear sense of who these folks are, how the program works, or what involvement in it might look like, so every few years we like to report back. Grads and volunteers talked… Read more »

Both Shakyamuni Buddha and Eihei Dogen gave their last dharma teaching on the same topic. We’ll look at this teaching, a description of the marks of practice, and why both teachers felt it was so important for their students to remember. Join us this Sunday, January 20, for zazen, sanzen, and Kakumyo’s Dharma Talk. Kakumyo… Read more »

On Sunday, January 13, Dharma School students, teachers and parents surprised Gyokuko, arriving at her back door to sing Dharma School songs and offer flowers. A small way to say “Thank you for Dharma School!” Wednesday’s work party brought out several people who braved the windy and cold, but mostly dry weather to do winter… Read more »

It’s a time of year when we look forward and back, and we can look to our lineage ancestors to provide us with inspiration for the future. Genko talks about the many ways we share stories and how that practice creates, maintains, and continues to build Sangha for all of us. This talk was given… Read more »

At yesterday’s work party, one of the tasks was to take down a tree that was in danger of falling. Here Kakumyo leads a crew in pulling it down. Wednesday Work Parties Dharma Rain hosts regular Wednesday work parties from around 9am to 3:30pm. There is plenty of work for people to do, inside and… Read more »

More than 150 people showed up to wish Gyokuko (in gold kesa, center) well on her retirement. The group photo shows a portion of those who gathered for a photo after the ceremony. The ceremony was brief and dignified, and after that everyone in the hall got to say thanks in whatever way they wished… Read more »

A new document looks at the history and current status of property development by Dharma Rain Zen Center at our Siskiyou property, with a particular focus on environmental stewardship. Special thanks to Kaishin for her advocacy and her work helping to create this document.

On Sunday, January 6, Gyokuko will officially retire as co-abbot of Dharma Rain Zen Center after more than four decades of service. She and her husband Kyogen co-founded Dharma Rain Zen Center in 1974. A special ceremony will mark the occasion of her retirement formally, in place of the Dharma Talk, and a party following… Read more »

Garden volunteers agree: this is the best time of year to weed the garden – the weeds come out so easily, unlike late spring and summer. Here a couple of the garden beds have been weeded and given compost, with more processing to go to get them through the winter and set up for spring.… Read more »

Though the temple is closed for two weeks, our annual joint New Year’s Eve celebration with Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple is here this year. Join us here at the Sodo for a different and wonderful way to ring in the new year. We begin with a vegetarian potluck at 7pm, and move into sacred… Read more »

Since mid-November, we’ve been visited by many birders looking to spot the eastern bluebird, as there have been many sightings on our property and in surrounding areas. According to Wikipedia, the eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis) is a small thrush found in open woodlands, farmlands, and orchards. It is the state bird of Missouri and New… Read more »

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