Date Title & Details Speaker Listen Download
Are You Serious?

What is the balance between holding things lightly and being serious about our lives and practice? What is the place of humor in Zen practice? Genko raises these questions and is hoping that we can explore them together.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Genko Rainwater
Recognizing Responsibility

Holding awareness that “This is not mine. This is not my self. This is not what I am” is a classic meditation on anatta, the lack of an independent self. Gradually we learn to hold the self more lightly. But without a self, where does responsibility or integrity land? We’ll explore how agency and choice are affected by an openness to anatta.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kakumyo Lowe-Charde
Drag, Masks, Roles, Costumes

Part of the gay subculture, Drag and Camp have a long history. In the wider culture, we find a similarly long history involving carnival, clowns, fools, theater performances, masked balls, and the like. On a more mundane level, we all have various roles to play in the world, and find ourselves donning various costumes / uniforms and masks. To what extent is this reasonable and to what extent is it extra or problematic?

Categories: Dharma Talks

Genko Rainwater
Summer Solstice

What does Buddhism have to offer us on this turning of the seasons? Solstice is very significant in ancient cultures and earth based spirituality, but is it irrelevant to the followers of the Noble Eightfold Path? Gyokuko will explore the natural phenomena of solstice, equinox and the changing physical environment and how this fits the ebb and flow of practice at Dharma Rain.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Gyokuko Carlson
A Day of Remembrance

The first talk given after we moved from the southeast Madison St location to meeting at the Jason Lee Elementary School cafeteria June 15, 2014.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kyogen Carlson
A Day of Remembrance

Categories: Dharma Talks

Sallie Jiko Tisdale
Mistakes, Failures, and Disasters

Categories: Dharma Talks

Genko Rainwater
Being a Good Lamp

Shakyamuni encouraged all of us to be a lamp unto ourselves; to steadily notice what is wholesome, and how we are affected, as we try to walk this spiritual path. How does this advice intertwine with Buddhism’s reliance on those who have gone before to point the way? We’re confronted with the choice to engage our life and practice thousands and thousands of times, and sometimes we need support to make it. How do we partake of this support, how do we know when we need it, and how do we get confused by it? How do these questions apply to sanzen, the teacher-student relationship in Zen, and spiritual authority?

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kakumyo Lowe-Charde
Sangha Forum (Spring 2014)

Sunday, April 20, the Dharma Council and Board of Directors presented reports about what is happening and the latest plans for this year with the transition to the new property.

Categories: Sangha Forum

Dharma Council
God Help Us! Part Two

On April 6, 2014, Gyokuko spoke about prayer and devotion in Zen Buddhism. On April 13, Kyogen continued that theme with more on prayer, and also on faith, trust, belief, and other elements of spiritual life. He drew on his conversation with Evangelicals and other Christians about what non-theistic religion can look like.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kyogen Carlson
God Help Us!

On April 6, 2014, co-abbot Gyokuko Carlson took a Dharmic look at the subject of prayer and how Zen Buddhists work with it.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Gyokuko Carlson
All My Karma

Many of us carry burdens of regret, guilt or shame about past events. When we recite the confession verse, what does it mean to acknowledge “All my past and harmful karma”? How can we take responsibility for all of it? What is mine? This talk explored the different ways we experience repentance and atonement in Buddhist practice, and how we can work with painful feelings of remorse.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Sallie Jiko Tisdale
Putting Forth Not One Word

As we headed into our week-long retreat, DaiJukai, or “Great Jukai” (Giving and Receiving of the Buddhist Precepts), Seido talked about how we understand the study and practice of ethical action in Zen. She particularly focused on one of the ten grave precepts – Do Not Speak Dishonestly – Communicate Truthfully – and its commentary:

In the realm of the inexplicable Dharma, putting forth not one word is the precept of not speaking dishonestly. The Dharma wheel turns from the beginning. There is neither surplus nor lack. The sweet dew covers the earth and within it lies the truth.

How do we uphold this precept amidst complicated social interactions? What does it mean to speak truthfully when our view is naturally limited? How does this precept inform us about all other precepts?

Categories: Dharma Talks

Debra Seido Martin
This Year the Precepts Bring Two New Things

Bukkai finds that in every season of precept practice there is something new and vital to be found, like the first slightly surprising appearance of spring growth. She talked about two gifts of this season.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Jill Bukkai Washburn
Who Knows?

When we announced the Dharma Talk for Sunday March 2nd, Co-abbot Kyogen Carlson was pondering several topics. One was, literally “Who Knows?” After some deliberation, he stuck with that subject, using the koan, “Dizang’s Not Knowing is Most Intimate” and other stories from The Book of Serenity.”

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kyogen Carlson
Wherever You Go, There You Are

The title of this talk is from the sub-title of a 1972 book called The Peoples’ Guide to Mexico. This book was unique among travel guides in pointing to being fully present and receptive to where you are.  A subtitle to the talk might be Shunryu Suzuki’s advice, “Nothing Extra.” It was prompted by Gyoshi’s experiences during three months of travel last fall in Nepal and Thailand. These travels marked the beginning of transition into a new life-phase for him – retirement.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Mike Gyoshi Kaplan
A New Light in Asia

Buddhism flourished for a thousand years and more after the Buddha died. By then Buddhism had spread to many countries and languages. For many reasons, Buddhism then began to decline and virtually died out in India altogether until very recently. The Dharma talk for the celebration of Nehan will explore the final teachings of the Buddha, how and why the fortunes of Indian Buddhism changed, and especially, how Buddhism is reviving in India and changing, in its turn, the fortunes of millions of Indians.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Sallie Jiko Tisdale
Dongshan is Unwell

Case 94 in the Book of Serenity tells of a time when Master Dongshan (Tozan Ryokai) was very ill. A monk came to him and asked, “Is there someone who does not get ill?” Donshan answered, “There is,” and the dialog goes on from there. Does this contradict the First Noble Truth? What’s going on here? Both Kyogen and Gyokuko have been sick the past few weeks, as have other Zen Center residents and members. Over the past few months a number of teachers and their close friends have died, an interesting time. In this January 26 talk Kyogen addresses this koan and tells some stories related to it.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kyogen Carlson
Being a Good Host to Your Life

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kakumyo Lowe-Charde
Taking Joy Seriously

was “Taking Joy Seriously, or Can a Buddhist Have a Good Time?” In our practice we explicitly examine the causes of suffering as we study the Second Noble Truth. Dogen said that “To study Buddhism is to study the self.” Are we just a mass of suffering? How is studying the nature of joy a serious practice, and what can it teach us about enlightenment?

Categories: Dharma Talks

Elizabeth Erin Luthy
Excesses Such as Greed

As we start up again on our regular schedule, we sometimes find that we can look back at holiday excesses and have remorse, vowing to do differently. How can we take vows in a skillful way? Genko shares something of her own struggle with addictive behavior and how she is finding ways through it with wisdom, compassion and persistence.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Genko Rainwater
The Morning Star

For Buddhists all over the world, Sunday December 8th marks the annual celebration of Shakyamuni Buddha’s enlightenment under the bodhi tree. For our community, it also marks the end of our weeklong Rohatsu retreat during which each of us take up the Buddha’s koan of the meaning of human suffering. Through his deep resolve to sit, the Buddha endured seductive temptation, frightening taunts and attacks from Mara throughout the night, until he finally awoke when he saw the morning star in the eastern sky. What is it that he saw? This Rohatsu reflection is on living the Buddha’s enlightenment story – something we each take up intimately from our own meditation seat, meeting Mara and the morning star in this very zendo.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Debra Seido Martin
Three Zen Masters: The Challenge of our Differences

Shin’ei traces the lives of three enigmatic Zen Masters to explore the nature of freedom, dedication and authority. She also speaks to the imagination through the voice of her own life and practice.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Alison Shin’ei Brown
Receiving Food, Receiving Dharma

In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, many of us plan meals, plan for preparing and eating food. Bukkai talked about how the simple repetitive aspects of our lives having to do with food can become serious spiritual practice.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Jill Bukkai Washburn
Cultivating Trust

What is it that we can trust and rely upon during our most difficult times in life? How does practice support us when we inevitably face challenges? This talk is about how the path of practice can be viewed as a process of cultivating increasing confidence and trust in our own Buddha Nature.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Jody Shintai Dungay
The Precious Mirror Samadhi

Part of our regular Sunday morning chanting service, “The Precious Mirror Samadhi” by Dongshan Liangjie (Tozan Ryokai) is compelling, beautiful, and most find it utterly mysterious. With imagery like “a silver bowl filled with snow,” and references to “the Illumination hexagram,” it is an utterly Chinese expression of Dharma. Related to and developed from the earlier “Harmony of difference and Sameness,” it expresses the development and maturation of practice and awakening over time, which makes it unique in the liturgy. Co-abbot Kyogen Carlson spoke about the imagery and our lineage expression of this often misunderstood work. Watch for more talks on our commonly used liturgy in the months ahead.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kyogen Carlson
Founders Day

On Sunday November 3rd, our Founders’ Day Festival, Kakumyo Lowe-Charde spoke about the three figures honored on our Founder’s shrine, exploring the particular juxtaposition of confidence and humility in their lives and practice as well as in our relation to them as individuals and archetypes. Those three are Keido Chisan Koho Zenji, Houn Jiyu Kennet Roshi, and Nyogen Senzaki.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kakumyo Lowe-Charde
Sangha Forum (Fall 2013)

Twice a year, the governing bodies of Dharma Rain Zen Center meet with the Sangha to present information about what they have been doing and to get feedback and input about what’s coming up. At this forum, members from the Dharma Council, Board, and Mandala Council will all do brief presentations. A prominent theme will be the upcoming move and how it affects every aspect of the organization. Come by and get up-to-date and give us the benefit of your experience.

Categories: Sangha Forum

Board of Directors, Dharma Council
Alone, Together

The Buddha told his followers to “walk alone like a rhinoceros” – but he told this to people living intimately in community. What does it mean to stand alone? How do we do this together? What is true solitude? We live so close to others that it can be hard to know what one truly desires and what is added by those around us. There is a sacred aloneness in which we can stand firmly in the midst of all things, and we discover this side by side.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Sallie Jiko Tisdale
Sangha as Refuge

The Buddha famously told Ananda that good spiritual friends are the whole of the holy life. Sangha includes teachers, friends and supporters, and also those who challenge us in many ways. Co-Abbot Gyokuko Carlson speaks about Sangha as refuge, and the various ways that manifests.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Gyokuko Carlson
Two Ancestors

Categories: Dharma Talks

Sallie Jiko Tisdale
The Meaning of Life

No, this is not a Monty Python sketch, or anything like that, although bringing up the issue, these days, is taken as absurd. Not long ago I found myself telling someone that you can, in fact, discover the meaning of life, or at least your deeper purpose. However, when you do you will find it impossible to explain. Having thought about this some more, I have decided to venture out onto a very rickety limb and present this as a Dharma Talk, and now that I have, I’m most curious as to what I will say.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kyogen Carlson
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