Date Title & Details Speaker Listen Download
Prison Program Panel

Several Sangha members are involved in DRZC’s prison program, as volunteers, adults in custody, and prison grads. Many DRZC members don’t have a clear sense of who these folks are, how the program works, or what involvement in it might look like, so every few years we like to report back. Grads and volunteers talked about the rich gifts available in this experience. Genko and Gyoshi facilitated.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Genko Rainwater, Mike Gyoshi Kaplan
Good Friends

The Buddha told us to find good friends, and keep them close. What does this mean to a person of practice? How do we manage relationships? What is intimacy and companionship on the Path?

Categories: Dharma Talks

Sallie Jiko Tisdale
Weaving Precepts and Nehan

Both Shakyamuni Buddha and Eihei Dogen gave their last dharma teaching on the same topic. We’ll look at this teaching, a description of the marks of practice, and why both teachers felt it was so important for their students to remember.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kakumyo Lowe-Charde
Lineage Stories

It’s a time of year when we look forward and back, and we can look to our lineage ancestors to provide us with inspiration for the future. Genko talks about the many ways we share stories and how that practice creates, maintains, and continues to build Sangha for all of us.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Genko Rainwater
Transition of Winter Solstice

Jyoshin speaks of the need for honoring deep winter by taking some down time. We close down the temple for two weeks partly as a way of following the direction of the earth in resting in the darkness and the cold.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Jyoshin Clay
Practicing with Brightness

Categories: Dharma Talks

Ko’in Newsom
Perfect Wisdom

Categories: Dharma Talks

Genko Rainwater
Freedom from Outcomes

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kakumyo Lowe-Charde
“Bad Students”

Categories: Dharma Talks

Sallie Jiko Tisdale
Perfect Meditation

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Genko Rainwater
Founders Day

This Sunday, Jyoshin spoke about honoring lineage and tradition and at the same time exploring the tension between valuing and connecting with what we’ve done before while also responding to current conditions.

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Jyoshin Clay
Sangha Forum (Fall 2018)

Twice a year, the sangha has an opportunity to hear from our governing bodies and to ask questions and give feedback. This forum is primarily sponsored by the Board of Directors, giving updates on where we are with the property development, fundraising and finances, board activities, and more. The Dharma Council will also give a brief report. In addition, the forum will report on the outcome of the investigation into Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and release the final draft of that report to the sangha.

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Sangha Forum

Board of Directors
Meditation Off-Trail

Kakumyo describes a recent (experimental) sesshin he participated in and some of the lessons learned for trusting and deepening meditation.

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kakumyo Lowe-Charde
Perfect Energy

Genko continues a series looking at the six perfections (paramitas) with Virya, sometimes translated as Energy. Dale Wright says in The Six Perfections: “Virya mean[s] the energy of accomplishment, the effort, courage, and power to see spiritual endeavor through to its completion. Viryaparamita is the perfection of this energy, the power of unyielding commitment to the ultimate goal of universal awakening.” Genko explores some of the facets of this perfection and how it works in our lives.

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Genko Rainwater
Two Ancestors

Every year toward the end of September we celebrate the contribution of Eihei Dogen and Keizan Jokin to the establishment of Soto Zen. Dogen is considered the founder of Soto Zen in Japan, having brought it from China in the 1200s. Keizan, four generations later, popularized it and was instrumental in its spread.

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Sallie Jiko Tisdale
Perfect Patience

Genko continues to examine the six Perfections (Paramitas) and this month looks at Kshanti, translated variously as patience, tolerance, and forebearance. Patience has gotten a lot of press in Buddhist teachings, being considered a central virtue. According to Dale Wright, who wrote The Six Perfections, “Bodhisattvas who have trained in this virtue are imperturbable and well-composed, calm and focused in the midst of adversity.”

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Genko Rainwater
Being a Buddha

Zen master Bankei said, “Rather than trying to become a buddha, nothing could be simpler than taking the shortcut of remaining a buddha!” We are that which we long for. In the original spirit of Zen, we focus on direct experience. We recognize that we are, already, the Buddha.

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Caverly Morgan
Turning Up the Vivid

Fall term is in effect and practice is flowing. This Sunday Kakumyo will talk about one way we may notice the effects of contemplative practice, and how to make good use of this phenomenon.

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kakumyo Lowe-Charde
Beginnings and Endings

With the shift towards cooler weather and the return of rain, the mind naturally turns towards fall practice. The beginning of Ango, with a Term Opening Ceremony and the Daoren Entering Ceremony, mark a starting point for particular sets of vows or intentions. (During the Term Opening Ceremony, each of us will have the opportunity to express a vow of practice for the term.) However, Buddhism has an intriguing way of looking at beginnings and endings. This Sunday, Jyoshin, will explore this theme and how zen holds these ideas.

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Jyoshin Clay
Chapter Headings

Kakumyo speaks about Dharma Rain’s path as a sangha and institution. What does our trajectory look like, and what are the values and context that are shaping it?

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kakumyo Lowe-Charde
When the Ordinary Is Just…Ordinary

There are many stories of awakened life as that of the “everyday,” when our ordinary experiences and the objects we meet take on a luminous quality. But what happens when we look around and find that our ordinary lives are just…ordinary?

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Sallie Jiko Tisdale
Perfect Morality

Genko continues to look at the Six Perfections, with the second of the Perfections: sila, usually translated “morality” or “ethics.” The problem with focusing on morality is that we sometimes get into judgments of good and bad, which is not so helpful. How can we live an ethical life and still find contentment and a sense of self-worth? Genko talks about how we work with the Precepts to create a state of mind that lends itself to taking moral action naturally.

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Genko Rainwater
Buddha Nature

The teachings of Zen tell us that all living beings have Buddha Nature. We do our practices to uncover that which always there. Gyokuko explores some of what we experience in the practice of uncovering and discovering our true nature.

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Gyokuko Carlson
The Spectrum of Presence

We recognize that instances of giving and receiving attention are not all equivalent. Sometimes it can feel profound,other times trivial. We’ll explore this range, what it means, and our ability to affect where our behavior lands.

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kakumyo Lowe-Charde
Cold and Heat

While we do not engage in formal koan study at Dharma Rain, many koans are held in our collective mind as valuable teaching stories. Jyoshin explores Dongshan’s “Cold and Heat”, a particularly apt study for our current summer weather patterns.

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Jyoshin Clay
Perfect Generosity

A new book – The Six Perfections by Dale Wright – inspires this talk. He writes about how to cultivate character using the Buddhist teachings on the paramitas. Genko reports on this and then goes on to explore the first paramita – dana, generosity.

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Genko Rainwater
Musings on Time

Shinshu Roberts recently blessed us with readings from her book, Being-Time, and shared some important points about understanding Dogen’s chapter on Being-Time. In this talk Gyokuko shares some of her personal musings on the practice of being one with time.

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Gyokuko Carlson
Orienting Towards Buddhahood

Kakumyo talked about some of the lessons of the last two weeks, pulling threads from the “Juki” chapter of the Shobogenzo, which we studied at Genzoe sesshin last week, and weaving those with themes from the three day pastoral care workshop that happened this week.

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kakumyo Lowe-Charde
Twigs, Vines, and Blackberry

Gyokuko has been working in her yard, like a lot of other people. In this Dharma talk, she talks about finding the right tool for the right job.

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Gyokuko Carlson
Pride: Sin or Virtue?

We are entering into Portland Pride season. “Pride” turns up on both Christian and Buddhist lists as one of the seven deadly sins or one of the five poisons, respectively. In what ways is it negative? How can it be seen as positive? How does it relate to Shame (which is generally listed as a positive in Buddhist thought)? Genko explores some of these confusing ideas.

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Genko Rainwater
Varieties of Attentiveness

This Sunday we’ll explore qualities like concentration, focus and receptivity with a Buddhist lens. How do these qualities affect our life, and what contributes to reliably accessing them, both within and beyond formal meditation.

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kakumyo Lowe-Charde
The Suffering Outside

The story of the historical Buddha is often used as a lens to examine our own practice and path. This talk touches on the point where he escapes the confines of his privileged life and affluent shelter and begins to examine the suffering outside. A key figure is his father the king, who tried to keep his son out of the way of old age, disease, death and even the path of the wise.

Tags: Meditation, Paramitas, Six Perfections

Categories: Dharma Talks

Mark Sosetsu Stauffer
Date Title & Details Speaker Listen Download

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