Wednesday Classes: Sutra Study
8500 NE Siskiyou St
Portland, OR 97220
This Wednesday evening class series will look at sutras. The Active Dharma Rain Teachers will be presenting some of their favorite teachings from the sutras, so there will be a lot of variety. At that, it will be only a taste of each sutra and a small sample of all of the sutras out there. Still, we hope to get into some depth and have some good discussion and an enhanced understanding of the richness of the teachings in Buddhism.
All Wednesday night classes are open to the public. There is no charge, though donations are gratefully accepted.
This class is in-person only, no Zoom option, though it is recorded. Audio files can be found here.
We meet on this schedule:
7-7:10pm Evening Service
7:10-7:40 Zazen
7:40-7:50 Tea, Announcements
7:50~9 Class
9-9:10 Vespers