Prison Support Group

March 2, 2025 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Sodo and Zoom

Dharma Rain Zen Center facilitates a monthly support group primarily for prison grads making the transition into life “outside.” This group meets the first Sunday of each month.

The group is open to prison grads who have an interest in Buddhism or meditation, to anyone whose life has been touched by incarceration, and also to prison volunteers as well as those interested in volunteering, for mutual support and ongoing training. The discussions focus on ways to apply Buddhist teachings and meditation to the challenges of transitioning from prison back into the community. The group’s goal is to provide a supportive setting for prison grads as they put their lives together in a new way to become valuable and contributing members of the sangha and the larger community. A secondary goal is to call on the expertise of grads in advice for volunteers who are working inside.

If you know of anyone who might find this of benefit, please pass along information about the group. If you are interested in volunteering, please come along and/or contact Genko at above e-mail address.

This meeting is held online and in person.

Meeting ID 830 5764 8883
Passcode 608332D

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