Jukai Retreat
8500 Northeast Siskiyou Street
Portland, OR 97220
Our annual vigil-style retreat leads up to people taking the Precepts. During the Jukai ceremony, individuals receive the Bodhisattva precepts and formally become Buddhists. Receiving Jukai at Dharma Rain is a very personal step toward clarifying and deepening one’s own intention to live as a Buddhist. The Jukai ceremony will take place at 11 AM on Sunday, March 20.
All are welcome and encouraged to attend this open retreat full- or part-time. Registration is required for meals and overnights and must be received by Wednesday, March 9. (See below for registration.) All are welcome free of charge for zazen and ceremonies.
Here is the schedule.
Monday evening, March 14
7:00 pm Evening Service
7:10 Zazen
7:40 Kinhin
7:50 Zazen/Explanation
8:30 Kyojukaimon Ceremony
Afterwards — Vespers, bed
Tuesday through Saturday
5:30 am Rising
6:00 Zazen
6:30 Kinhin
6:40 Zazen
7:10 Service
7:40 Temple Clean-up
8:10 Breakfast
8:45 Meal Clean-up
9:00 Work
10:30 Zazen
11:00 Kinhin
11:10 Zazen
11:40 Break
12:00 pm Lunch
12:35 Meal Clean-up
1:00 Rest
1:45 Work
3:00 Exercise
3:50 Evening Service
4:00 Zazen
4:25 Kinhin
4:35 Zazen
5:00 Study
5:30 Dinner
6:00 Meal Clean-up
6:15 Recollection
7:00 Zazen
7:20 Kinhin
7:30 Zazen
7:50 Kinhin
8:00 Zazen w/Dharma Talk
8:20 Kinhin
8:30 Zazen
8:50 Kinhin
9:00 Zazen
9:20 Formal Tea
9:30 Vespers/To Bed
Sunday Morning, March 20
6:00 am Rising
6:30 Zazen
7:00 Service
7:30 Cleanup
8:00 Breakfast
8:30 Work/Rehearsal
10:30 Zazen
11:00 Lay Ordination
12:00 pm Tea/Lunch/Celebrate
To register for overnights, please contact the shuso, Ko’in. There will be an additional charge for overnights.