Denkoe Sesshin

April 13, 2020 @ 7:00 pm – April 18, 2020 @ 9:30 pm
8500 NE Siskiyou St
Portland, OR 97220
What you afford

Denkoe is now a Dana Retreat

Due to current world circumstances, Dharma Rain is going to offer Denkoe to all. If you can make a donation to support the temple that is great, but if you can’t then please accept this offering free of charge, it does not matter if you are a member or not, or where you live in the world.

Dharma Rain will Zoom morning zazen and service, and evening sitting including a dharma talk. At the temple (which is closed to all but residents) we will be following the same schedule. The middle of the day will be vigil style with everyone sitting as much as they can.

Each year we study a chapter of the Denkoroku as a way of honoring and learning from our ancestors, this year, it is Ashvagosha.

The Zoom links that you will need for the morning and evening sittings are listed below. Some of the evening sittings later in the week will be only open to those that have registered. But all of the morning sittings will be Zoomed. Registration for Sanzen is now closed, but the registration form is still active, so that if you find yourself making use of Denkoe, and have the ability to make a donation, please feel free. Thank you to everyone who has shown such generosity during these uncertain times.



Morning Zazen and Service Schedule:

5am-5:50 Zazen
5:50 Kinhin
6-6:50 Zazen
6:50-7:20 Service



Evening Zazen and Dharma Talk Schedule:

7pm-7:35 Zazen
7:35 Kinhin
7:45-8:20 Zazen / Dharma Talk
8:30-9 Zazen
9-9:15 Formal Tea
9:15-9:25 Vespers