In Zen practice no line is drawn between a daily life of mindful attention and the spiritual exercise of meditation. Whether lecturing, giving private counseling, pointing out a mistake, or teaching by example, it is the purpose of our teachers to help each student find his or her own center in meditation, understand the Precepts in daily life, and bring an energetic mindfulness to all situations. Above all, they wish to help the students fully realize their own potential in practice.

Sanzen is a one-on-one meeting with a teacher. Formal sanzen takes place at a scheduled time, usually during a Sunday or week-day morning zazen period or periodically during a sesshin (retreat). Informal sanzen is arranged by appointment. If you would like to schedule informal sanzen with one of the teachers, contact Dharma Rain or send email directly to the teacher.

Dharma transmission is a custom in Zen Buddhism in which a disciple is established as a successor to a teacher. An unbroken lineage of teachers and disciples is theoretically traced back to the Buddha himself. We recite our lineage as a “traditional line of Dharma ancestors” or a “line of women Dharma ancestors” on alternate Sundays.

Kyogen and Gyokuko have given transmission to several teachers, both lay and ordained. These teachers have formed a new Dharma Cloud Lineage. This lineage carries the traditions forward from the past to the future and into places near and far from Portland, Oregon.

Retired Transmitted Teachers

Richard Fumyo Mishaga
Lay Teacher
Gyokuko Carlson
Jill Bukkai Washburn
Lay Teacher
Randi Getsushin Brox
Ordained Priest