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Date | Title & Details | Speaker | Listen | Download |
07/15/2018 |
Perfect GenerosityA new book – The Six Perfections by Dale Wright – inspires this talk. He writes about how to cultivate character using the Buddhist teachings on the paramitas. Genko reports on this and then goes on to explore the first paramita – dana, generosity. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Genko Rainwater | ||
07/01/2018 |
Orienting Towards BuddhahoodKakumyo talked about some of the lessons of the last two weeks, pulling threads from the “Juki” chapter of the Shobogenzo, which we studied at Genzoe sesshin last week, and weaving those with themes from the three day pastoral care workshop that happened this week. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
06/17/2018 |
Twigs, Vines, and BlackberryGyokuko has been working in her yard, like a lot of other people. In this Dharma talk, she talks about finding the right tool for the right job. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Gyokuko Carlson | ||
06/10/2018 |
Pride: Sin or Virtue?We are entering into Portland Pride season. “Pride” turns up on both Christian and Buddhist lists as one of the seven deadly sins or one of the five poisons, respectively. In what ways is it negative? How can it be seen as positive? How does it relate to Shame (which is generally listed as a positive in Buddhist thought)? Genko explores some of these confusing ideas. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Genko Rainwater | ||
05/27/2018 |
Varieties of AttentivenessThis Sunday we’ll explore qualities like concentration, focus and receptivity with a Buddhist lens. How do these qualities affect our life, and what contributes to reliably accessing them, both within and beyond formal meditation. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
05/20/2018 |
The Suffering OutsideThe story of the historical Buddha is often used as a lens to examine our own practice and path. This talk touches on the point where he escapes the confines of his privileged life and affluent shelter and begins to examine the suffering outside. A key figure is his father the king, who tried to keep his son out of the way of old age, disease, death and even the path of the wise. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Mark Sosetsu Stauffer | ||
05/13/2018 |
Dharma ExpressionHappy Mother’s Day! For some, Mother’s Day can bring up memories of crayon drawings on refrigerators, sharing space with brightly colored magnetic letters of the alphabet. This is part of how small children investigate their environment and learn about themselves and the world around them. Mothers (and those who take on the role of mother) help guide the process, teaching both explicitly and implicitly. This Sunday, Jyoshin will explore the role of creative expression in dharma practice and the many ways we can share with others what we learn through our time on the cushion. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Jyoshin Clay | ||
04/29/2018 |
How to Be AloneWhy do we feel different when we are alone? The self alone changes when it meets others. Is one self more authentic than the other? How do we resolve the tension between solitude and relationship? We will consider the ways that we protect ourselves around other people as well as the ways we fall into habits when we are alone. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Sallie Jiko Tisdale | ||
04/22/2018 |
The Virtue of Practicing with SanghaThis week we have been on Denkoe Sesshin, with up to 25 people practicing in the zendo in the evenings. Kakumyo explores the value of this in his talk on Sunday. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
04/08/2018 |
The Liturgical CalendarAt this week’s Dharma Talk, we played a recording of a talk given by Kyogen. He discussed our liturgical calendar, and the seasons and teachings associated with each part of it. He then focused specifically on the upcoming Denkoe retreat, and the study of the Denkoroku. This very special Dharma Talk allowed us to hear the voice of one of our founders in our hall. Gyokuko answered questions after the talk. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Gyokuko Carlson, Kyogen Carlson | ||
04/01/2018 |
When is Good Enough Just Perfect?We all have high expectations. In the workplace, in our social lives, in our Zen practice. The idea that we ourselves or others in whom we are invested can meet those expectations often creates anxiety when the idea comes up against reality. Come share your thoughts as Gyokuko shares some of hers. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Gyokuko Carlson | ||
03/25/2018 |
Tisarana – Three RefugesGenko looks at how the Three Refuges (also called the Three Jewels or Three Treasures) can provide a place of safety and support for us in our practice. What is refuge? What is safety? How do we work with these in our lives? Categories: Dharma Talks |
Genko Rainwater | ||
03/18/2018 |
Willingness to ChangeKakumyo looks at how we work with well-established karma and confusion. He consults the Samanaphala Sutra for help. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
03/11/2018 |
Thorough StudyWhat is the role of study in Zen? We have inherited a tradition “without dependence on words and letters,” and yet books and stories are key parts of our life of practice. How do we balance intellectual work and learning with a focus on meditation and daily activity? Categories: Dharma Talks |
Sallie Jiko Tisdale | ||
02/25/2018 |
A Safe Foundation for PracticeWestern psychology tells us that our personal needs for safety must be met before we can do much with our instinct towards spiritual transformation. This seems to be true, but that ‘seems’ encompasses a lot of territory that’s worth exploring: What is the source of the sense of danger that often arises as we push against our edges of practice? How does a sense of danger interfere with our practice? How can we discern between real and imagined danger? Can fear even assist our spiritual journey? How do the three refuges help? How can we practice with this? We will explore these and other questions together. Please bring your aspiration and fear. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Mike Gyoshi Kaplan | ||
02/11/2018 |
Awe, Insight, ImmediacyAs the stream of life flows through awareness, some moments stand out as being more meaningful, impactful, or important. We may assume that it’s because of the content of what we’re aware of, but usually, it’s not. How do we cultivate experiences of awe, insight and immediacy in our daily life? Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
02/04/2018 |
NehanOn Sunday, February 4, we celebrated our annual Nehan ceremony, commemorating the Buddha’s passing into parinirvana. Jyoshin’s talk reflected on the teachings of the death of the Buddha and explored its significance for those of us practicing the Buddha’s path 2600 years later. How do we relate to these teachings? What is applicable for modern Zen students in a culture where death is often hidden away out of sight? Categories: Dharma Talks |
Jyoshin Clay | ||
01/28/2018 |
Past the MirrorBeyond the karmic mirror, we find that enlightenment is communal. Kakumyo speaks of preference and renunciation in a spiritual community Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
01/21/2018 |
The Unexamined LifeAs he swallowed the cup of poison hemlock, Socrates said the unexamined life is not worth living. Our practice encourages us to know the self, but also to drop the self. When is self-examination self-indulgence? When is dropping the self avoiding the facts? Categories: Dharma Talks |
Gyokuko Carlson | ||
01/14/2018 |
Justice and MercyWhat is Justice, and how does it relate to Mercy? Both are kind of old-fashioned words, old-fashioned virtues, and both are interpreted in a variety of ways. Genko talks about Dharma Rain’s prison program, social justice, and how all of this relates to the Dharma. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Genko Rainwater | ||
01/07/2018 |
The Assembly’s HeartHow we engage in the tasks before us is both a spur for and a measure of our path. As we install a new shuso and enter a new term of practice, we consider what it means to work with the mind of practice. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Sallie Jiko Tisdale | ||
12/17/2017 |
I Have Kept My WishIn the ordination ceremony, we say, ‘I have changed my form, but kept my wish.’ What does this mean? We carry many wishes into our practice, and the innermost wish is revealed only over time. We each have a gift as well as a wish, and central to our practice is finding a way for these to meet. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Sallie Jiko Tisdale | ||
12/03/2017 |
Rohatsu and SesshinAs we prepare to begin Rohatsu sesshin, Jyoshin examines what we are celebrating this week and why we do what we do. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Jyoshin Clay | ||
11/26/2017 |
Giving ThanksCategories: Dharma Talks |
Genko Rainwater | ||
11/19/2017 |
Reprise to 1994Bukkai plans to take another look at a poem by Dainin Katagiri that she first presented a long time ago and is still considering. The last section reads: If I were not to agree with your teaching, Just swim. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Jill Bukkai Washburn | ||
11/12/2017 |
Right Speech in Tumultuous TimesThe Buddha, in the first sermon following his enlightenment, instructed us to practice Right Speech as part of the Eightfold Path. One version of the criteria he used for determining if speech is right is: Is is factual? is it true? Is it helpful? Is it endearing? Is it timely? Right Speech can be a challenging practice at any time, much less in times of social, political, and economic tumult. Lay Disciple Thomas Bruner explores the case for Buddhists speaking up about the issues of the day, and speaking up using the principles of Right Speech. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Thomas Koshin Bruner | ||
11/05/2017 |
Founders DayGratitude for the past. Generosity to the future. After the all-night vigil beginning Saturday evening, November 4, at 7pm, Gyokuko puts this celebration into context. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Gyokuko Carlson | ||
10/08/2017 |
Making the Most of This Precious Human LifeAs we struggle to get by and overcome obstacles, we can get confused, angry, and sad. As we develop our practice and self-awareness, subtle changes in outlook have the capacity to transform our view of life and suffering in radical ways. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Gyokuko Carlson | ||
10/01/2017 |
The Process of KarmaWe often put karmic themes and their resolution in a vague category that adds lots of extra noise and opinion and dilutes the teaching about how to affect change. This Sunday the talk will focus on some specifics about seeing through our afflicted habit patterns. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
09/24/2017 |
Time, Seasons, and LineageThis Sunday we celebrate the Two Ancestors Memorial, honoring Eihei Dogen and Keizan Jokin. As part of that, we chant the “Life Span Chapter” of the Lotus Sutra, which describes the Buddha enlightened since the remote past, or the eternal Buddha. As the seasons change, time passes, people are born, sicken, and die, and yet … To what extent do our ancestors continue to teach us? To what extent are we all eternal Buddhas? What does that mean? On Sunday Genko wrestles with some of these questions. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Genko Rainwater | ||
09/17/2017 |
Our Intention at WorkHow do we carry our deepest intentions with us as we move through our daily life, including when at work? Last week, many in the sangha participated in the Heart of Work retreat. Each day, the retreat started and ended with meditation in the zendo, but the main venue for the retreat was our individual work places, wherever they may be. This week’s Dharma talk is about this practice of finding support for remembering our intention wherever we are. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Jody Shintai Dungay | ||
09/10/2017 |
Stretching AwarenessWe want to be “more” aware, but doing so is not actually a process of becoming aware of more. It’s more a matter of lessening the obstacles to awareness. As we clarify mind, the play of arising phenomena includes some that were previously submerged. On Sunday we explore this dynamic, and see how it might inform our relation to floods and fire. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
Date | Title & Details | Speaker | Listen | Download |