Date | Title & Details | Speaker | Listen | Download |
08/22/2021 |
What Do You Love Most About Buddhism?Shin’yu just spent a week in the hospital. One of her nurses had a lot of questions about Buddhism. The answers are still unfolding. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Shin’yu Vitells | ||
08/08/2021 |
Form and FunctionZen is sometimes called a “formal” religion or practice. We do have a lot of forms. But what does that mean? What is a form? How do we practice with it? Why do we have them? Genko explores these questions in this talk. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Genko Rainwater | ||
07/25/2021 |
Old FriendsRick Hogetsu Mitchell gives his first student talk at Dharma Rain. The talk reflects on the nature of friendships, personal and spiritual, and their role in supporting our practice. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Rick Hogetsu Mitchell | ||
07/18/2021 |
Taking Care of BusinessSome of us find that summer changes our routines, and makes the schedule lighter. And yet, the number of hours in the day are the same, and there are still tasks to be done. What does it mean to take care of business in the summer? What is our true business? How do we know? Genko explores these and other related questions in this Sunday’s Dharma Talk. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Genko Rainwater | ||
07/11/2021 |
Tipping PointsSometimes practice flows and we’re carried along by it, sometimes it’s a struggle and we can’t gain any momentum and keep running into setbacks. Although we may prefer the former, there are expressions of Right Effort in each mode. This Sunday, Kakumyo will explore how we relate to this phenomenon and what it signifies. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
06/27/2021 |
Difference and SamenessCategories: Dharma Talks |
Genko Rainwater | ||
06/13/2021 |
Conjured CityIn the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha tells the story of a group of tired travelers who come to a beautiful city where they can rest. He reveals this to be imaginary, the skillful means required to allow them to continue the long journey. What do we conjure for ourselves and for others? When are such resting places useful, and when do we need to shake them off and move on? Categories: Dharma Talks |
Sallie Jiko Tisdale | ||
06/06/2021 |
Growing PainsTransformation and spiritual growth tend to be common topics among Zen practitioners. For all that our teachings advise us to sit without a specific goal, often there is some aspiration towards ease and comfort. This path towards ease is not always smooth. We might encounter bumps along the way. How we meet a challenge or difficulty conditions our strategies around meeting the next challenge or the next difficulty. This Sunday, Jyoshin talks about growing pains in spiritual practice, encountering challenges, and drawing strength from that which inspires us. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Jyoshin Clay | ||
05/30/2021 |
The Dharma of PathThe ordination ceremony contains the phrase: “I have changed my form but kept my wish…” This is an allusion to the continuity of our way-seeking mind, and the variety of particular forms our practice may take over time. This Sunday, Kakumyo will talk about particular ways we realize and display lay and monastic paths of practice. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
05/26/2021 |
Shantideva Class 6Categories: Wednesday Classes |
Thomas Koshin Bruner, Ko’in Newsom | ||
05/23/2021 |
Languishing and FlourishingRecent news articles discuss prevalent mind states of people during the pandemic and now as we emerge. The word “languishing” has come up more than once, along with its opposite, “flourishing.” Languishing suggests becoming faint, feeble, or ill, also suffering from being forced to remain in an unpleasant place or situation. The New York Times adds that it is “a sense of stagnation and emptiness. It feels as if you’re muddling through your days, looking at your life through a foggy windshield.” Flourishing speaks to thriving, growing, and developing rapidly. What has your experience been? Genko will explore these mind states and others along with what Buddhist teachings might have to say about them in her talk this Sunday. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Genko Rainwater | ||
05/19/2021 |
Shantideva Class 5Categories: Wednesday Classes |
Thomas Koshin Bruner, Ko’in Newsom | ||
05/16/2021 |
Come on, Get HappyIn Buddhism, we spend a lot of time talking about suffering and the relief of suffering, but relatively little time talking about happiness or joy. Should we expect to find joy in “objectless” meditation? Is it OK to pursue happiness? Will Zen practice make us happier? Annen considers these and other questions in this week’s talk. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Jeanna Annen Moyer | ||
05/12/2021 |
Shantideva Class 4Categories: Wednesday Classes |
Thomas Koshin Bruner, Ko’in Newsom | ||
05/05/2021 |
Shantideva Class 3Categories: Wednesday Classes |
Thomas Koshin Bruner, Ko’in Newsom | ||
05/02/2021 |
WesakIn celebrating Wesak, and contemplating the miraculous story of the Buddha’s birth, we may not find our own circumstances quite so auspicious. Kakumyo will talk about a Zen approach to noticing miracles in our practice. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
05/02/2021 |
Poison ArrowsConcern with how our karma developed is sometimes compared to being shot with a poison arrow. Don’t ask who shot it or how it was made, just get it out. But practice pushes us to confront past events and how they shape us. How do we look at the past in a wholesome way? Categories: Dharma Talks |
Sallie Jiko Tisdale | ||
04/28/2021 |
Shantideva Class 2Categories: Wednesday Classes |
Thomas Koshin Bruner, Ko’in Newsom | ||
04/21/2021 |
Shantideva Class 1Categories: Wednesday Classes |
Thomas Koshin Bruner, Ko’in Newsom | ||
04/18/2021 |
Liberating InvestigationThis week we welcome a guest teacher, Ryushin Hart. Ryushin’s talk will explore a pervasive and pernicious obstacle to wholeheartedly living our spiritual path and the steps to decrease its impact. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Thomas Koshin Bruner, Ko’in Newsom | ||
04/11/2021 |
Spring Sangha ForumTwice a year, the sangha has an opportunity to hear from our governing bodies and to ask questions and give feedback. In the spring, the forum is sponsored by the Dharma Council, giving updates on liturgy, classes, etc. The Board, Dharma Garden Council, and DEI will also give updates. Categories: Sangha Forum |
Thomas Koshin Bruner, Ko’in Newsom | ||
04/07/2021 |
The Seven Factors of Enlightenment Class 7Categories: Wednesday Classes |
Sokuchu Mader, Zonnyo Riger | ||
04/04/2021 |
A Walk in the ParkKakumyo talks about discovering the absolute within the relative. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
03/31/2021 |
The Seven Factors of Enlightenment Class 6Categories: Wednesday Classes |
Sokuchu Mader, Zonnyo Riger | ||
03/28/2021 |
Faith, Hope, and CharityThere’s a Christian song that starts “Have Faith, Hope, and Charity; that’s the way to live successfully.” These somewhat old-fashioned words, Biblical words, words in a song, speak of values we cherish in Buddhism as well, though we may express it somewhat differently. What are these three virtues, and how do they manifest in our lives? What does it mean to have faith, to have hope, to have charity? Genko explores these questions and more in her Dharma Talk. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Genko Rainwater | ||
03/24/2021 |
The Seven Factors of Enlightenment Class 5Categories: Wednesday Classes |
Sokuchu Mader, Zonnyo Riger | ||
03/21/2021 |
Ripple EffectsSometimes the dharma rain seeps in and nourishes us in the way we’re hoping. Other times it seems to bounce off like a spring hail. Perhaps there’s no obvious button to push to change things. When we’re caught like this, we’re probably narrowing the range of our experience so the specific insult takes up more space than is warranted. This Sunday, Kakumyo will speak about how our basic relationship to emptiness subtly impacts virtually every other dharmic and life decision and perception. When we can make a little pivot in a very deep, central part of our experience, the effect can ripple through many different aspects of our life. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
03/17/2021 |
The Seven Factors of Enlightenment Class 4Categories: Wednesday Classes |
Sokuchu Mader, Zonnyo Riger | ||
03/14/2021 |
Identity InjuryAll the qualities of our identity are empty of self-nature, especially the qualities of the body. Yet such things as skin color and gender are often treated as “real” – as permanent, fixed, and conveying value. Suffering is the result. The talk this week will focus on this ‘injury of identity,’ particularly in regard to gender, and what it means to ally on behalf of such identifiers even as we reject them as true identity. Why do we recite a women’s lineage? Why do we point out gender as a characteristic when the Dharma tells us all such characteristics are empty? Categories: Dharma Talks |
Sallie Jiko Tisdale | ||
03/10/2021 |
The Seven Factors of Enlightenment Class 3Categories: Wednesday Classes |
Sokuchu Mader, Zonnyo Riger | ||
03/07/2021 |
How Not to ZenOne of the barriers many people experience in meditation practice, and especially in the Zen tradition, are concerns about whether we are going to do it wrong. This shows up in many distinct flavors, sharing a common theme of anxiety. This Sunday Kakumyo will talk about how we meet this barrier and how it relates to sangha treasure and the ongoing, lifelong practice of awareness. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
03/03/2021 |
The Seven Factors of Enlightenment Class 2Categories: Wednesday Classes |
Sokuchu Mader, Zonnyo Riger | ||
Date | Title & Details | Speaker | Listen | Download |