Date Title & Details Speaker Listen Download
Sangha Forum (Fall 2013)

Twice a year, the governing bodies of Dharma Rain Zen Center meet with the Sangha to present information about what they have been doing and to get feedback and input about what’s coming up. At this forum, members from the Dharma Council, Board, and Mandala Council will all do brief presentations. A prominent theme will be the upcoming move and how it affects every aspect of the organization. Come by and get up-to-date and give us the benefit of your experience.

Categories: Sangha Forum

Board of Directors, Dharma Council
Alone, Together

The Buddha told his followers to “walk alone like a rhinoceros” – but he told this to people living intimately in community. What does it mean to stand alone? How do we do this together? What is true solitude? We live so close to others that it can be hard to know what one truly desires and what is added by those around us. There is a sacred aloneness in which we can stand firmly in the midst of all things, and we discover this side by side.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Sallie Jiko Tisdale
Sangha as Refuge

The Buddha famously told Ananda that good spiritual friends are the whole of the holy life. Sangha includes teachers, friends and supporters, and also those who challenge us in many ways. Co-Abbot Gyokuko Carlson speaks about Sangha as refuge, and the various ways that manifests.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Gyokuko Carlson
Two Ancestors

Categories: Dharma Talks

Sallie Jiko Tisdale
The Meaning of Life

No, this is not a Monty Python sketch, or anything like that, although bringing up the issue, these days, is taken as absurd. Not long ago I found myself telling someone that you can, in fact, discover the meaning of life, or at least your deeper purpose. However, when you do you will find it impossible to explain. Having thought about this some more, I have decided to venture out onto a very rickety limb and present this as a Dharma Talk, and now that I have, I’m most curious as to what I will say.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kyogen Carlson
Ever Nearer

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kakumyo Lowe-Charde
The Place of Study in Practice

Categories: Dharma Talks

Genko Rainwater
Fall Term, Ango, the Temple Calendar and more

Categories: Dharma Talks

Jill Bukkai Washburn
Being Bodies

Categories: Dharma Talks

Sallie Jiko Tisdale
The Awesome Presence of Active Buddhas

We are on silent retreat this week, studying the Dogen Shobogenzo fascicle “Gyobutso Yuigi,” the Awesome Presence of Active Buddhas. The focus of the sesshin is to sustain practice during an intensive period, acting out our Buddhahood in the meditation, disciplines and rituals of a traditional Zen retreat. Sesshin gathers our intention in a resolute and dignified manner so that we can put it directly on what is most important. We do this for a week in a structured and supportive container, and then bring the perspective gained to the rest of our life.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kakumyo Lowe-Charde
Summertime and the Subject of Faith

This Sunday Seido will be talking about the seasonal changes we experience during summer practice where discipline loosens and the natural world presents itself in full color. What do we learn about ourselves during this time? What emerges in our relationship to zazen and what obstacles present themselves during a time of year typically marked by less structure? Seido draws on the teachings from “Affirming Faith in Mind,” a 6th Century Chinese Chan poem chanted in many Zen temples, that offers us a way of practice regardless of the season based in a profound insight into Buddhist faith that invites us to lean into the fabric of our lives.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Debra Seido Martin
Making Space

Categories: Dharma Talks

Jyoshin Clay
Taking a Stand: Finding Our Way on Social Issues

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kyogen Carlson
Being Silence

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kakumyo Lowe-Charde
How We Express Our Practice

Categories: Dharma Talks

Anthony Fujaku Stevens
With Respect to Objects

Categories: Dharma Talks

Genko Rainwater

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kyogen Carlson
Quiyan Gives Birth

Categories: Dharma Talks

Debra Seido Martin
Living in Indra’s Net

Categories: Dharma Talks

Rick Fumyo Mishaga
The Task of Awakening

Categories: Dharma Talks

Sallie Jiko Tisdale
Wrapping Ourselves in Buddha’s Teaching

Categories: Dharma Talks

Jody Shintai Dungay
Sangha Forum (Spring 2013)

Categories: Sangha Forum

Board of Directors, Dharma Council
Form a Destiny

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kyogen Carlson
Staying Home, Leaving Home – Lay Practice at Dharma Rain

Categories: Dharma Talks

Jeanna Annen Moyer
Action, Non-Action, and Balance

Categories: Dharma Talks

Kyogen Carlson
Why Do We Do Sesshin?

Categories: Dharma Talks

Anthony Fujaku Stevens
Second Verse, Not Quite the Same as the First

Categories: Dharma Talks

Sallie Jiko Tisdale
Brilliant Vow

Categories: Dharma Talks

Jill Bukkai Washburn


Our annual Nehan Festival commemorates the parinirvana of the Buddha and his final teaching. This involves a special service in place of Full Morning Service. This year, Gyokuko gave the Dharma Talk associated with Nehan on February 17.

Categories: Dharma Talks

Gyokuko Carlson
Discovering Home

Categories: Dharma Talks

Jyoshin Clay
Case 35 – Senjo and Her Soul are Separated

Categories: Dharma Talks

Debra Seido Martin
The Deep Face of Fear is Truth

Categories: Dharma Talks

Alison Shin’ei Brown
Date Title & Details Speaker Listen Download

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