Date | Title & Details | Speaker | Listen | Download |
09/15/2019 |
The Space BetweenBetween what, you may well ask? Perhaps between two extremes. Perhaps between one season and the next, or what happens in the middle of a transition from one state, or one life, to another. Perhaps it’s a moment between thoughts on the cushion. It may be another way of saying the Middle Way. Genko explores some of these ways of looking at the theme of this weekend’s retreat. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Genko Rainwater | ||
09/11/2019 |
Foundational Teachings #2The second class in a series of ten. Categories: Wednesday Classes |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde, Shin’yu Vitells | ||
09/08/2019 |
Turning Toward JoyBuddha did say, “I teach suffering…” but he went on to say “…and an end to suffering.” In a spiritual tradition rooted in the teaching of suffering, what role does joy play? How does practicing with our suffering facilitate or inform our joy? Senior lay disciple Thomas Bruner explores the concept of turning toward joy with the same curiosity, attention and intention as turning toward suffering Categories: Dharma Talks |
Thomas Koshin Bruner | ||
09/08/2019 |
Turning Toward JoyBuddha did say, “I teach suffering…” but he went on to say “…and an end to suffering.” In a spiritual tradition rooted in the teaching of suffering, what role does joy play? How does practicing with our suffering facilitate or inform our joy? Senior lay disciple Thomas Bruner explores the concept of turning toward joy with the same curiosity, attention and intention as turning toward suffering. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Thomas Koshin Bruner | ||
09/04/2019 |
Foundational Teachings #1This is the first class of a ten class series on the basic teachings of the Buddha Categories: Wednesday Classes |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
09/01/2019 |
Meeting SanghaOn the kickoff for Fall Ango 2019, we’ll explore our connection to our sense of purpose and meaning. How do our deepest wishes ripple through the intentions and aspirations of our everyday life? Are we feeding this process, and are we drawing from it appropriately? Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
09/01/2019 |
Meeting SanghaOn the kickoff for Fall Ango 2019, we’ll explore our connection to our sense of purpose and meaning. How do our deepest wishes ripple through the intentions and aspirations of our everyday life? Are we feeding this process, and are we drawing from it appropriately? Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
08/25/2019 |
Receptivity to PurposeThis week we will talk about interdependence, dependence, and the practice of meeting old age, disease and death around us, drawing on some early Pali sources for inspiration Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
08/18/2019 |
Dynamic BalanceFor many zen practitioners – oldtimers, newcomers, and those in their zen-midlife, there is a question of “how much?” How much formal practice? How much time spent at the temple? How much time spent studying Buddhism? Often the reply that comes is a perplexing, “find a balance.” What does this even mean? What does a balanced practice look like? How do we recognize that sweet spot? Categories: Dharma Talks |
Jyoshin Clay | ||
08/11/2019 |
High Places Low PlacesCategories: Dharma Talks |
Genko Rainwater | ||
08/04/2019 |
Tide PoolsWith late summer settling in, the coast beckons. A cool breeze, ocean waters, little purple anemone. Anticipation and delight fill the mind. How do we keep refreshing enjoyment from becoming sticky attachment? What happens when anticipation meets actual experience? This Sunday Jyoshin talks about the dharma teachings of tide pools. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Jyoshin Clay | ||
07/28/2019 |
How Long Does it Take?This Sunday, Kakumyo will give a numerical answer to this often asked question about Zen practice. Should be a short talk. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
07/21/2019 |
Millions of ManjushrisIn a society that trains us for standing out and being special; collecting likes and retweets; and developing our personal brand, how can the teachings of our ancestors even be relevant? Did Dogen offer anything that comes close to addressing the needs of this world? (hint: the answer is ‘yes’.) Categories: Dharma Talks |
Jyoshin Clay | ||
07/14/2019 |
Small JobsThere are many invisible beings supporting our practice. Sometimes we think of our tasks as small or unimportant. But in the matrix of Buddha Nature, no task can be greater or smaller than another. How do we approach our tasks when there seems to be a difference in importance? Categories: Dharma Talks |
Sallie Jiko Tisdale | ||
07/07/2019 |
The End of Life As We Know ItGenko starts with a recent book that describes and explores the previous five mass extinction events on this planet, and goes on to talk about other disasters, moving from global to regional to community to personal. What is a disaster, and how do we practice with it? Categories: Dharma Talks |
Genko Rainwater | ||
06/23/2019 |
Do I Understand You CorrectlyThis week we are in Genzo-e sesshin, working with the Dogen’s commentary on a chapter of the Diamond Sutra focusing on the “Ungraspable Mind”. This Sunday Jyoshin will look closer at this chapter through the lens of the Buddha’s Five Eyes. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Jyoshin Clay | ||
06/16/2019 |
Stages of UnderstandingWe are told that enlightenment is not a matter of stages. But we all occupy roles in our lives which reflect stages of development. How do we meet our practice through archetypal experience? In what way do we grow into an understanding that is already complete? Categories: Dharma Talks |
Sallie Jiko Tisdale | ||
06/09/2019 |
Opening Gates, Inviting DepthIn this talk, Kakumyo explores how we allow and prevent awakening in our interactions with others, using a story from the Vimalakirti Sutra as a guide. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
05/26/2019 |
Form and PracticeAs we end Ango and approach the summer, the way we practice changes for many of us. Forms are reduced and relaxed as people go on vacations, spend more time outdoors, and often less time in the zendo. Genko explores some ways that we practice with this change, the value of it, and the vague anxiety and sense of deprivation some people feel as a result of this change in the seasons. Why do we practice? What happens when practice changes? Categories: Dharma Talks |
Genko Rainwater | ||
05/12/2019 |
Who Are We?We put a lot of effort in our Zen Practice into examining who we are. Kakumyo speaks to the balance of knowing who we are, and still being curious to seeing new parts of ourselves. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
05/12/2019 |
Daoren – Home PracticeKyri Kengan Trieman, who is the guiding teacher for the Daoren Circle, will talk about practice when we are away from the temple. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kyri Kengan Trieman | ||
04/28/2019 |
Dharma Cloud LineageCome join us during this first day-long event honoring the Dharma Cloud lineage welcoming all affiliates and related practitioners. The morning will be devoted to sharing our traditional forms including an introduction of all the various groups attending, and a panel dharma talk by Kakumyo (DRZC Abbot), Domyo (Bright Way Zen), and Seido (Zen West / Empty Field Zendo) on the significance of the lineage. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Domyo Burk, Kakumyo Lowe-Charde, Debra Seido Martin | ||
04/21/2019 |
Just Say YesThere are so many ways that the world will say no to our desires. But we also say no to ourselves and to the world. How do we say yes? In Zen practice, there is a deep affirmation that we can bring to our everyday life as well as our practice. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Sallie Jiko Tisdale | ||
04/14/2019 |
Sangha Forum (Spring 2019)The Dharma Council led the spring forum, and reported on what we’ve been working on over the past 6 months and some new offerings for the coming months. Kakumyo reported on the status of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) program, and also gave a financial and debt repayment overview. This was also an opportunity for sangha members to give feedback and ask questions about such things as whether offerings here are meeting your needs, thoughts about Denkoe being a cloistered retreat, the Spring Term Student program, and volunteering opportunities. Categories: Sangha Forum |
Dharma Council | ||
04/07/2019 |
Coming Back to LifeIn the depths of winter it is easy to be deluded that nothing changes and the grey and cold will last forever. In the depths of adult life that delusion can arise as well. Yes, little things change, but nothing fundamental changes, we think. Drifting and dreaming, life passes by. The practice of zen teaches us to wake up – either startling us to realization or helping us to slowly move towards wakefulness. This Sunday, Jyoshin will share a talk about waking up, springtime, and this mysterious path of practice. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Jyoshin Clay | ||
03/31/2019 |
Nurturing MindIn his “Instructions to the Cook,” Dogen lists three qualities of mind that the Head Cook, or Tenzo, of a monastery must cultivate: Joyful Mind, Nurturing Mind and Magnanimous Mind. Shin’yu explores the second of these, Nurturing Mind, and the wish to take care of the things and people of our world. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Shin’yu Vitells | ||
03/24/2019 |
As the Dharma Wheel TurnsOn March 24, the sixteen participants and three staff who worked together in an intensive 10-day training for sangha leaders finished their time together. Three of the participants shared short dharma talks that they developed in the course of the training to give the rest of us a taste of what they’ve did. People came from near and far to do this training, staying here, sharing meals and the schedule, and enjoying some outings. Kakumyo, Jiko, and Jyoshin organized and presented the training. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Will Holcomb, Kate Ryushin Korn-McKenna, John Jundo Lowney | ||
03/17/2019 |
ImpermanenceAnicca, or Impermanence, looms large among our basic Buddhist teachings. It’s one of the three characteristics of existence and is intimately related to the Four Noble Truths. Impermanence seems pretty straightforward – everything changes. It’s pretty easy to accept that intellectually, but not so easy to live in congruence with it. Why do we struggle so hard to avoid impermanence? What are our often unconscious strategies for avoiding it? How can we avoid avoiding it? Who are we when we don’t avoid it? We explore these questions together. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Mike Gyoshi Kaplan | ||
03/10/2019 |
What is a Teacher For?Several people became lay disciples this week. The decision to enter a formal teaching relationship is a serious one. But it’s not magic – teaching takes place both in and out of such a relationship. What does a teacher do? How do we work with the embodiment in front of us? Categories: Dharma Talks |
Sallie Jiko Tisdale | ||
03/03/2019 |
The SOTO of ZenEspecially during challenging times or when experiencing personal difficulties, we can find comfort by focusing on our core practice – our Soto style of Zen. Fumyo highlights some practical aspects of our Soto Zen including its beginnings as a unique style and its subtle pragmatism. He also touches on deep questions at the heart of our everyday koans and, finally, on the student-teacher relationships that overlay the whole of practice. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Rick Fumyo Mishaga | ||
02/24/2019 |
The Art of Patching LeaksKeeping things dry in an Oregon winter can be tough, but not as difficult as not leaking our practice intention. This Sunday, we’ll explore the process of diverting attention on a few different timescales, and find some tips to keep this from happening. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kakumyo Lowe-Charde | ||
02/10/2019 |
Fudo and KojinThis Sunday we’re in for a special treat. Kosho Finch, a Shingon priest and the new reverend of the Henjyoji Temple, will do a talk on Fudo-Myoo and Kojin, represented in chants that we do regularly (particularly the Fudo Ceremony). Fudo is the statue to the right of Manjushri in front of the hall (to your left as you look toward the altar). Kosho notes that there are interesting overlapping practices for Shingon and Zen in Fudo and Kojin, and will share some of those with us. Categories: Dharma Talks |
Kosho Finch | ||
Date | Title & Details | Speaker | Listen | Download |