Affiliated groups range from small sitting groups led by sangha members to independent Zen Centers led by transmitted teachers. Each shares a deep connection to our common Dharma Cloud lineage tradition characterized by an emphasis on shikantaza, sangha, sesshin, study, and recognition of the equally valid but different paths of lay and monastic training.
Starting a Sitting Group
Are you considering starting a Dharma Rain supported sitting group? Are you in search of guidance for one that you are already leading?
How to get started
We suggest you read about the Affiliated and Related Groups below. You’ll see that each group is unique. They meet in a variety of settings and range in size. What they all have in common is a deep connection to the Dharma Cloud lineage and a desire to make the triple treasure accessible to as many people as possible.
Please reach out to the Dharma Council at . We are here to support you.
Bright Way Zen
Bright Way Zen meets in the Cedar Mill area in Washington County and is led by Domyo Burk. Visit the Bright Way Zen web page for a schedule and additional information.
Empty Field Farm Zendo and Zen West
Retreats and seasonal weekly meditation are held at the Empty Field Zendo, a rustic retreat located on a small organic farm in Oregon’s coast range. Zen West is an affiliated group led by Lay Teacher Debra Seido Martin that meets in Eugene, Oregon. It offers an intimate setting for lay practitioners exploring the wisdom of the Zen tradition within a Western awareness of psychology and social responsibility. For more information, see the Zen West Empty Field website for a schedule and additional information.
Rose Villa Sangha
The Rose Villa Sangha meets at Rose Villa Retirement Community in Milwaukie from 1-2:30pm.on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month. Shin’yu officiates Zazen, Service, and Dharma teachings and offers Sanzen from 2:45-4:00 pm. All are welcome. For more information contact Kay Schmerber.
The Pendleton sitting group meets weekly in Pendleton, Oregon. Beginners are encouraged to call for first-visit instructions. Contact Joseph Mugaku Engum 541-276-0038 or for schedule and location information.
Wy’East Zen Center
The Wy’East Zen Center sangha meets weekly in Sandy, Oregon. They are guided by Dharma Rain priest Jyoshin Clay and Dharma Rain Lay Teacher Jody Shintai Dungay. See the Wy’East Zen Center website for a schedule and additional information.
Flowing Field Zendo
Located in the Columbia River Gorge, the Flowing Field (of benefaction) Zendo is affiliated with Dharma Rain Zen Center. It is an inclusive place for sharing the practices of zazen (meditation), mindfulness, reflection, and ethical living.
Penitentiary and Correctional Facility Groups
Oregon State Penitentiary
The OSP sangha meets every first and third Tuesday evening with zazen and a short service followed by class and discussion. Gyoshi is the lead volunteer at OSP.
Coffee Creek Correctional Facility
Medium security unit: Genko leads a group that meets Friday evenings 7-9pm with zazen, class and discussion, and check-in. Other volunteers going in with her are Kakuon, Ryotan, and Christine Kirk.
Minimum security unit: Genko leads a group that meets on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Mondays 7-9pm with check-in, zazen, class and discussion, and a brief closing service. Ko’in goes in with her.
Eastern Oregon Correctional Facility
Mugaku facilitates a group in this facility every Thursday evening 6:20-8:20pm.
Two Rivers Correctional Facility
Mugaku meets with this sangha every Wednesday evening 6:30-8:30pm.
Columbia River Correctional Institution
A group meets every Tuesday afternoon. Genko leads this group, along with Mikio.
MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility
Muji leads this group with strong support from the chaplain at the facility. Meetings are held every other week and attended by four to twelve young men.