Lay Disciple Ordinations

On June 14, 2017, Wy’East Zen Center celebrated the lay disciple ordination of Kimberly Choan Wood-Saldana (in grey robe above), taking Jyoshin as her teacher. She is flanked by Shintai (blue rakusu) and Jyoshin (gold rakusu), who are Dharma Rain teachers serving the group. Next to Jyoshin are Gyokuko Carlson, abbot of Dharma Rain, and Genko Rainwater, another DRZC teacher, who drove up to Sandy for the ceremony. Others pictured, from left to right, are Sean Jorin Maloy, Shintai’s student; and Marty Genso Skinner and Emily Teiko Cartoun, both Kyogen’s disciples. Congratulations to everyone in the Wy’east sangha on this important step in the continuing growth of the sangha.

Coming up September 5 at another Lay Disciple ordination ceremony at Dharma Rain Zen Center, Jiko and Genko will take formal students. Please join us.

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